This is a detailed description of how to make, probably, the only permanatly sustainable, general service, local to global, modern form of transportation. This is designed to be a total replacement for all present and future mobility, fuel burning energy use and product logistics. The only exceptions to this being the best transportation and energy supply for all foreseeable times might be ET3, small scale fusion and mass decoupling.
To be universally useful the overhead ultra light span load, suspended self lowering vehicle access guideway needs to be less expensive than single pavement lanes are to build today everywhere. One guideway monorail beam of less than 100 pounds per foot of basalt fiber organic cement thin tube lattice trusses and steel longitudinal tubes replaces on average four lanes of concrete pavement or a high traffic double track railroad main line in traffic capacity. Larger steel tube thin wall surface area gives more heat dissipation area to the air when current carrying power overloaded.
The guideways eliminate any need for user owned vehicles and human delivery and service vehicles. No parking areas are needed as guideway vehicles park in local to global service capacity redistribution motion. Empty vehicles can be used for power boosters in high speed service for weight maxed out commodities carrying vehicles.
Spreading loads out over the longest possible bodies with the smallest practical frontal area reduces energy consumption, allows many times higher speeds and lowers the cost of non entrained access guideways at about 30 pounds per linear foot using suspended long span sections through many neighborhoods.
The fully automated global guideway network, if sucsessful will need about three to five times the present global electric production to operate at maximum requirements about three decades from startup. This is necessary as a replacement for slower, more expensive, less convenient to use fuel burning mobility. Efficiently converting energy to thrust might be times improved with guideway because there no fuel transport and processing costs comparing to over road and air vehicles on average per seat ton or start stop delivery unit, but higher speed might eat up all the efficiency gains and adds higher energy use. Electricity is less expensive than most fuels. Electric cost is over two thirds of debt retired guideway transportation cost.
Fully automated guideway machinery can be designed to slotted core bore, shaft opposed cog assender bore using minimal energy and tooling wear, large diameter, 7 to 13 miles deep, geothermal shafts. These need to be locally spaced about every ten to thirty miles apart, closer in urban areas. Mass produced low cost stand alone package 1 to 5 or 6 megawatt APU like generator sets power not only the guideway but everything else for about 10,000 to 50,000 years out from the same shaft location with constant increases in extraction hole length. This global guideway electric network should be able to produce a fraction of a US cent user and guideway cost electricity, replacing human managed power companies as the guideway goes to every property with power, water, waste collection and total reuse at lower cost than landfills, incinerators and obsoleate gravity sewer systems. This gives the human economy time to sort out what it will become before more invasive forms of energy are again necessary.
The complexity of the automation systems is little different from demonstrated automation systems. The main difference is the vas quantity of duplicate systems produced by the hundreds of millions of rapidly mass produced autonomous systems required.
All past and existing mobility developments have been a series of dead end incremental improvements. Advancements were built at each step on previous developments. We are still in a late Stone Age, fire burning, human controlled equipment, massive monument builder economy. When we were few and primative in personal appetites, under favorable circumstances, what is now road and air vehicle based industrial chemical using economies might have worked good enough. As populations grew the existing fuel dependent mobility and energy systems have become both inadequate to emerging wants and needs, expensive logistics and personal mobility suppliers and destroyers of the natural life supporting Earth. Because road,rail, air and displacement water craft work at all for us, we come to think they work best, which they never have. Improvement in all present systems towards full lower energy cost per ton mile carried is hopeless. It is time for a better total replacement.
All aircraft, rail vehicles, ships of all kinds, trucks autos and power plants use solid drive shaft heavy gear box propulsion. This often is a design habit but also used to reduce bearing velocities and increase service lives of massive torque minimal velocity machinery. The proposed guideway uses a basalt fiber wound frame and wheel rim drive motor. No gears or drive shafts only near contact rim motor propulsion like rotary maglev supported needle bearings with radial magneticly variably unloaded bearings averaging about 500 pounds per short stationary axle. Load distribution over many axles reduces guideway cost with The frontal area of the smooth gap free running gear shells never exceeding about 1.5 square feet at a .06 coefficient of open grid low cross wise resistant span truss reduced interference drag. Internal wheel motor windage drag is reduced by self evacuation proportional to vehicle speed. No friction brakes needed for safe operation. No friction brakes of any kind are needed for regenerative stopping only tiny ones for position holding. Similar motor designs if about one meter or three feet in diameter have no speed limit at sea level below the speed of sound. Such motors with the proposed low air drag vehicles cost each vehicle user about 5 to 7 US cents a mile per 18 square foot frontal area .01 coefficient of drag vehicle body running singly at 200 to 300 MPH or about a cent a mile at over 600 MPH running in longer trains. This approximate cost is using present utility bus bar power cost that will be eventually lower with guideway geothermal power.
This compares to about 40 cents a mile for cars and over a dollar a mile for trucks. There are not enough known global resources to convert the existing vehicle fuel burning fleets to battery, fuel cell or hydrogen plugin or alcohol fuel uses. Nothing being proposed in combinations is sustainable when you look at long term resource consumption. Thorium power and fusion last the longest but solar wind and water power will over millions of years and a global grid be what powers large communities.
About 45% of all mobile energy is consumed by about 50 million trucks, 6% by aircraft and 10% by ships. Speed with economy makes building forty million miles of guideways more practical than trying to use the existing road networks and air vehicle facilaties. All these will be abandoned with the guideways replacing their more expensive inconvenient use.
For guideway and all industrial and residential energy ultra deep geothermal is everywhere locally available without a transmission grid, only guideway electric transfer.
Proposed is new design recirculating turbo expander pump generator using CO2 transfer and alcohol or ammonia back pressure binary cycle. These are best as magnetic suspension bearing verticle shaft turbo generators with back pressure inflated air condensers. Each generator set is several staged shaft systems in a row operating at variable speeds depending on changing demand and declining geothermal temperatures between drilling cycles. Constant drilling is also possible.
Tool carriers replace personal road vehicle use overland plus construction and farm machinery and factory materials handeling systems. These might use a new form of running gear. Gear-less wheel rim motor powering by-directional tracked vehicle universal tool carriers offer surface mobility using gear box free direct rim drives. Many forms of such vehicles fold to fit inside the small frontal area guideway vehicles to be a rental asset available anywhere on the Earth in less than 24 hours. Wheel chairs using this running gear system can climb steps and center turn with less carpet and tire wear and friction and move sideways or diagonally as well.
Few turbine disc cascades on the electric deep geothermal generator side, rim coupled to out runner high speed generators. Using instead seperate multi pass turbo APU like welded and wound together stamped and forged hermetic assemblies that need little machine cutting tool forming. These are lighter, smaller, a fraction the cost to build, last longer between overhauls and probably more efficient. These system are fabricated often 3DL to net shapes with little triming, then quickly press formed with integrated flash bonded surfacing of machine tool ceramic hardness and durability with staged fracture ductle gradual to cloth failure cores. Basalt fiber cement and ceramic composite cores panel construction might be used for most structures, vehicles appliance and furniture bodies. Few adhesives are used anywhere accept for repairs. Evacuated core SIPs construction and screw anchor building footings becomes the main form of both vehicle and living and working space construction. Even most land mobile system might have screw in ground anchors for theft protection and cyclone survivability. Sea trains and smaller boat features are described further on to allow much faster, more efficient, safer living and working on water for sea-steading. Agriculture no longer needs farmers or large processing investor corporations and delivers processed, reuseable packaged food items directly from the point of extraction using guideway planting and processing and water delivery systems described further on. Universal mobile automated process kitchen machines prep nearly all prepared meal items for immediate guideway delivery. Food waste is eliminated and everything is composted for a guideway return cycle using the multi layered on every vehicle commodities bags. The joy of eating out and seeking all forms of entertainment and social past times is increased as describbed by guideway use.
We have lived on a beautiful rare terrarium-museum planet. This home, we presently only extract from, diminish, and not improve on, is our life supporting habitat. Everybody needs to be constantly reminded we live on the outside of a giant poorly protected generally self sustaining space ship. It is exceedingly difficult to survive outside the Earths surface in space or underground. Why not design to improve not take away from this mostly comfortable place to live in or on?
The all electric global guideway economy is designed to consume, on a continuing basis, little of critical value and put back and improve conditions as a never sleeping unpaid robotic worker army that replaces most need for one way consumption. Human labor at easy to automaticly manage tasks is replaced by a single PRT or personal rapid transit based global guideway system. The guideway can allow us to massively consume replaceable and regenerative resources in a true word use naturally balanced integrated global industrial robotic economy. Our unnatural modern human presence is redesigned with the tree and vine covered guideways to fit integrated into the surrounding natural setting.
The guideway is a combination horizontal fast fully automated, individual and small lot movement, street and rural road replacing, overhead suspended, self lowering anywhere access, monorail grid to access everywhere from every place station free. The guideway is a universal at your location vending machine for almost everything and a on demand carrier for a vast rental and public service fleet of fully automated robotic all purpose universal PTO personal ground mobility tool carriers.
The fully user or customer administrated guideway is a total recycling system. Low cost flexible mobility is required. No other knowable system or combination can in any way do this. The guideway grows economic personal welfare without needing taxation and improves environment thriving at the same timeallowing lower product delivery cost.
Some one has to build the first vehicles and fully automated production and installation machinery forms and test to known limits. Someone has to produce mass machinery. No one has to market. The fully automated system is a self delivering and adaptive installation automated design and order taker. This describes how machines replace industrial decision maker overhead cost or about a fourth or more of the cost of everything we purchase.
Proposed is a totally integrated user or customer controlled global robotic logistics system. This has to be a suspended ultra light and small in frontal area, cylindrical vehicle core monorail system. Minimum air drag can use tested examples to see what works best. Every vehicle requires both ends have long conical nesting to flat end coupling inflated streamlining. Optimized is lowest possible maglev bearing traction slip free wheel motors. These motors need to be tested on a near verticle high banked track to see what speed, safety, efficency and wear life limits can be designed in.
Nothing ever presented before has been like this. Because it is so different it has been beyond the imaginations and understanding of the smartest people the guideway design principles have been presented to. They want something they are use to. A jet aircraft speed horizontal building elevator like system that goes everywhere roads go and many places they can not, that can be built across oceans as easily as overland,and connect their house and office or farm to all others cheaper than a single lane house driveway is to build is not thinkable
This set of articles is how you think about it and how to demonstrate and start up the first new industry since dial telephones became internet connected smart phones.
This is intended to lead to a universally prosperous, highly technical industrial human presence. No longer needing fuel and chemicals, replaced by more efficient all directly grid conducted electric energy, needing no energy storage supply of any kind for at least 10,000 to 50,000 years. The exception to a need for energy storage is locations away from deep geothermal power supplies and Startram Space launch coil motors.
Most consumable product use can be replaced by more durable weather resistant natural basalt and organic binder materials and organic digestive and pressure, electric and thermal reactive or lower chemical use industrial processes. Metals and plastics would have limited uses. Concrete that is mass poured is no longer needed for anything. Food production is integrated into free range open range agriculture using guideway based robotic systems.
This can eventually integrate seamlessly into the natural world and cross the solar system with less visibility and larger very happy populations than presently thought possible.
Everything here is differently complicated and so unrecognizable from commonly known infrastructure, institutions and machinery. This requires a detailed explanation even for collections of the engineers and PHDs who I got these ideas in hundreds of thousands of puzzle pieces from.
We are use to going to stores selling goods and ideas to be unable to survive for ourselves. The global guideway becomes a new creative supplier expediter and direct connection to all customers on Earth.
Existing leaders, even the most well intended will have to be dragged like temper tantrum kicking and screaming children into a better safer future that no longer needs them. What they have created for us that we do today will destroy the habitat we all depend on. We no longer need leaders if we have a way to sort out ideas amongst us without conflict. There is plenty of vacant room for people with differences to live toget her and comfortably apart if they choose. Most people know little about their next door neighbor anyway.
Efficency requires, no humans needed anywhere to provide full automation and minimum energy consumption per passenger or ton mile. Average people are able to perform system guided maintainence on public systems, needing few specialists.
Humans are environmental loads. As recipients of a low impact global production and logistics system they can live amongst the natural environment using the proposed processes.
This produces lower cost per mile transportation for all practical purposes without any vehicle much over the frontal area of a mini car. Tiny frontal areas allows faster every day for everyone ground speeds than commercial jets fly at high altitude. The easiest problem to solve is friction heating. The lowest practical overhead guideway design cost and fully automated production and installation machinery not only allows low cost per mile at just subsonic train speed but individual vehicles to be accessed at every property along both sides of one way overhead miniature suspended monorail guideway grids or inside buildings, along production lines and at any shelf height down most warehouse isles. This becomes a seamless just in time, global point to point store and retrieval system. At every property point with a through guideway siding, hundreds of thousands of tons or passengers each day even each hour can be moved in and out. No automobile, truck, heavy railway, ship, rocket replaced by ET3 or aircraft can do better at these tasks or have these attributes.
This requires a simplified form of never fail transportation and financial on vehicle self management automation. All existing automation systems are institutional automation that add huge complexity and failure hazards by centralizing all decisions. Personal rapid transit or PRT automation requires many layers of redundancy in multi level or system type EMP safe inter vehicle to user choice communications. Every vehicle should use independent of any central contol, traffic management and robotic self ownership financial management. The guideway uses transponder possition detection with simple counting updates by close spaced permanent magnent encoded address markers with shared vehicle timing.
The elimination of all common knowable forms of running gear and power supply failures are basic design feature proposals. None of this exists in any advanced road, air, water vehicles or flanged railways of any known kind. No PRT system or miniature has ever come close to the immediately prototyped best designs. All existing variants of present transportation has major unfixable flaws.
The guideway path that is attached to soft ground pile driven or screwed in piers or rock bolted in a minute as a guideway fix for slow inefficient hand-me-down transportation.
The guideway needs anywhere under line access and emergency at ground level up to about 200 to 300 feet below spans egress or limited access and 45 feet below for normal service access on the guideway grids. These overhead monorail guideways have to be cheaper than gravel roads and single lane pavements when installed and operating. This is detailed further on.
The guideway electric supply has to be less expensive than most coal or natural gas thermal energy. The guideway can become a less expensive data, communications and entertainment carrier. The proposed human interface administration is the world’s first verifiable politics avoiding electronic global to local democracy system. Let the property owners and users decide their fate no manufactuersand service providers and bribable nonanalytical politicians.
People cling to existing forms because of the emotional comfort of familiarity and optimizing flaws with understood investments and established intellectual capital are assumed to define limits to build on. In quantum physics people embrace the unknown with innovation because they do not normally have to mass produce marketable products. The Global guideway is about applying the wide open uncertainties of physics to the resultant product of advanced sustainably whole human futures. The guideway is proposed to constanly support free enterprise improvements by making every place cheaply globally on demand accessible to all. There is no more personal range and time limits. This is how this might be done.
The guideways create their own non hazardous operating zone around the piers and spans using both on every vehicle detection of external hazards such as fires, objects on pathways different from location norms, weather factors, weapons triangulated muzzle sound reports, visual 360 degree wide autonomus observation, the full range and earth vibration, as well as vehicle internal temperatures and component acoustic signatures.
The guideways are cheaper than roads if they are linearly lighter loaded with a min gross concentrated span load. Elelevated is cheaper because surface problems, contours and interfaces are not important.
This transportation system also becomes the whole low cost multi million year global service fuel free, all electric global energy supply. This might become as electric power at lower energy cost than coal and natural gas as thermal energy. No energy storage is needed, is a steady state, local sourced energy, deep geothermal supply and nearly all global and local public utilities. This is intended to be the end of any practical need for fuel burning and mass poured concrete production. All important industrial and market logistics are provided by one globally interconnected self lowering anywhere access overhead guideway grid.
The proposed guideway design is differently complex than all known previous designs. This guideway uses a basic vehicle self steering through directional choice, open center, inverted chanel monorails, and smooths out vibration and noise in the load movement support task. The monorail provides guidance and the locking in of even damaged vehicles to nearly eliminate the possibility of falling. This consists of a chained, length expandable, in line row of small as possible frontal area pancake wheel motor running gear and one basic small as possible frontal area body type. Tappered end streamline inflated bladders might allow varying sized vehicles to mate up with low drag. linked motor chains support the bodies by low drag deep suspension scissors arms over the full length. Longer slimmer bodies and trains no longer are structurally defficient compared to fatter bodies.
Access to every small load or seat space is by full length whole compartment door. No center or end door access is needed as in all present vehicles larger than small automobiles. All present mass transit, trucks, aircraft and ships require both greater time to load and unload and greater air drag from large frontal area interior isle space and head room for passengers and lift truck booms.
The proposed self lowering anywhere access side loading guideway vehicles are designed to assist in discharge and reception of loads, rarely taking over ten to fifteen seconds for a full load on or off. Since several vehicles in a row can load or unload at once it is possible to move millions ofTime truly is money, not for profit of investors but lower costs for everything and more flexibility of all the human users.
Increased surface area to volume skin friction is overcome by automicly smooth riblet skin friction reduction and a energized boundary layer in long gap free trains at higher speeds of around 650 MPH. This parabolicly reduces the power consuming friction. Single running common proposed vehicle speeds in the neighborhood of 200 MPH to 400 MPH are proposed with the user choosing to pay more per mile depending on allowed speed limits for additional energy and running gear wear to go a little faster. All the vehicles in ambient temperatures could accellerate from one G to past the speed of sound then reverse bal down to a regenerative braking without intermittently overheating the motors. This all has to be economicly superior to all other forms of just subsonic, Mach .95 + designs.
All personal and commercial transportation, energy, goods and commodities distribution, domestic, irrigation and industrial water, at property water removed or condensed and semi to fully digested sewage and recycle separation of all garbage for global reuse can be handled by the global robotic like guideway system. And much more as robotic systems wealfare through universal personal assistants, robotic guideway police and fire services no longer need facilaties as free roaming tracking instead of jails might replace most fixed facilaties as moment to moment monitoring of public activities, as communications and data are transfered to the guideways as public cradle to grave hands on education provided on line needing no staff other than specialist teachers. Governments as we have known them may no longer be seen as having any useful function. Similarly reasons for conflicts deminish.
This is about lowering the linear span loads and reducing the cost of aerial, non disturbing zero land use guideways. These are designed to last many centuries in high volume service verses the more expensive surfaced main and side streets and rural gravel roads. A $2 million a mile guideway replaces a $10 million a mile four lane expressway plus all the much slower commercial jet and rail traffic between cities plus directly connects seamlessly all the continents together door to door not terminal to terminal. A lighter distributed instead of trains span load, $250,000 a mile local guideway grid replaces $500,000 a mile side streets, rural access roads and rural highways. This is without any future need for intercontinental ships and aircraft. Guideway construction rates are two to ten miles a day, or faster complete to operate on as the installation machines pass by in about five to ten minutes at any point. Roads and railroads take weeks to months to construct. Guideway pier and span replacement or alignment changes should take about two to three minutes per hundred feet.
Many tiny frontal area vehicles join in trains to have both fast as possible speed and superior operating economy. It is impossible to do this with large vehicles of any design accept through mass decoupling. As total replacements for auto and mass transit vehicles guideway train forming allows more lane space on guideways for full speed traffic entry and exit at three to four times the acceleration and more times in top speed of today’s 2019 road cars. This is also faster at sea level than any jet fighter aircraft, but not allowed speeds in regular service. As truck length guideway replacement loads are double to triple average truck bed loading length because trucks are about six times the box cross section but average about a third or less volume fill where the tiny guideway vehicles are more likely to be loaded full. Guideway rush hour traffic is less dense in all urban areas with a fourth or less the nessasary guideway lanes compared to highway lanes. Guideway traffic speed is uninhibited by any kind of slowing or stopping at grade intersections and the vehicles comfortably round one G curves with no exceptional wear or friction as occurs with rubber tires, flanged wheels and aircraft wings. The speed is many times higher because the vehicles self bank into turns without putting any end or twist loads on wheels, axles or bearings. The span loads make elevated total grade separated intersections affordable. This is not possible with heavy road vehicle spans that have to live forever more with traffic congestion. Roads remain deteriorating, congested and expensive to build and maintain than minimally light guideway grids.
This global every door to every door high speed system is extended off the guideway operating confinement by a rental fleet of guideway carried instantly self mobilized production and task machines and all terrain expressway speed robotic tool carriers. The tool carriers are at home operating on all soft and rough rough terrain as well as pavements. The tool carriers can go where the best ATVs and motorcycles can not reach. The same carriers can manually or autonomously cruise all day at 80 MPH with engine or direct pick up for power. Any person can order up spot rental tools to carry out any industrial or personal task. The tools self deliver and return to storage or the next user. In minutes to hours of the call the self mobile production tools arrive from the nearest available or from anywhere on the planet. The production or process tools self set up as directed by the user to become a instant production company build or move and package products with the aid of self organizing technical design and methods. Remotely specialists could be globally consulted to solve problems or use the guideway for to the site travel as journeymen operators. Sales management software on board all arriving tools and tool carriers might assist in presentation in equal guideway listings based on local as well as global popularity. Massive open source software spread out over hundreds of millions of operating systems is inexpensive today. Working operating data storage and problem solving memories and programs become better and cheaper. There is nothing like this new global factory free commerce being publicly studied anywhere known.
As described further on this leads to mass produced micro automated production systems that lend themselves to space based independent advanced small habitat economies.
The tool carriers introduces a new forms bidirectional tracked running gear. The guideway vehicles introduces the first known use of the total elimination of all windows in buildings and vehicle systems. New design virtual vision personal reading glasses sized virtual and assisted vision devices allow full surrounding vision without the structural, energy consumption or cost frailties of windows. Thin curved panel windows are also proposed that slide on rails to where occupants desired their position in the vehicle. Moveable slow motion capture windows.
The proposed vehicles would be at home operating in the vacuume of space with proper radiator panels or under water or at temperatures and pressures too hot for humans to tolerate. Every tool carrier and every guideway vehicle has a water bladder and a fire detection and suppression pump and directional nozzle. This gives hundreds of millions of fire fighting systems for jet speed responses to building, forest and grass fires. The tool carriers can enter the heat of a fire, break through most doors and walls, rescue people and take them back through a fire to safety. The vehicles protect humans on board from most external hazards as user controlled hands on operators or as personal mobility systems better than automobiles and wheel chairs.
All tool carriers have a on board climate controlled inflated or collapseable compartment with mostly one ccasionaly two human seats. Any onboard ground level human movement, not handled by the overhead guideway, might use a selected size universal tool carrier.
Every human need can be handled on board one kind of all purpose general clean service guideway vehicle and one kind of rough and dirty service guideway vehicle. Every guideway vehicle and most tool carriers also serve as robotic fire, police, rescue and ambulance function emergency service vehicles at very little extra on board equipment volumes and cost. How to design in all these functions at minimum cost is described in general details.
This is all without requireing local utility processing or any future buried utilities or any local administration facilities. The users are the global administrators of everything. This is the start of people being helped towards universal forever progressive self improvement and organization. Utilities and many present businesses become global, fully automated, on demand, paid for without adding human administration, investor or labor costs. Human labor and managment overhead costs are obsorded into a verticly integrated assistive global guideway economy. Over about a decade of local systems cost debt retirement at ever smaller service charges each year the robotic guideway becomes an almost free service to mankind and a natural rebuilding of a forever better liveable global environment. You would recognize all of theses devices and functions as extensions of things you are familiar with today. 250 years ago none of this would have been recognized by anybody. A hundred or more years ago we had the technologies to have started doing this using available industrial machine, mechanical and electrical automation. All of the guideway parts will be recogizeable by most people but not the operations potentials. Guideway discussions are prohibited.
Humans in a robotic economy have their recognizable purposes in life doing all the creative, service and social tasks they have done in the past.
A global guideway independent new value global financial system might create a seperate but integrated global robotic chairitable service economy. All people, the natural and built up environments could be benefactors of a self sustained global guideway. At a certain point a half a century from now even in the absence of humans the guideway could be cleaning up and rebuilding the natural world. It is better humans are here as appreciators and creators of new possibilities.
This describes a minimum air resistance and rolling resistance minimum frontal area vehicle with no speed limits below the speed of sound on appropriate straight guideways. This is with appropriate vibration and G forces and user directed comfort and economy in limiting vehicles to lesser automaticly governed performances.
Unloaded the vehicles should individually accellerate at three to five Gs up to the motor design speed. This might take under 20 seconds of full power to reach a speed between about 1,100 MPH to 1,600 MPH although a 1,900 MPH wheel motor using zero slip roller chain sprocket like micro gear tread is possible to demonstrate Moon and Mars surface transportation possibilities at Earth’s sea level.
This is a global all purpose robotic assisted future. Robot economies are added to any personal or institutional activity that wants to take advantage of every door to door economies and speed. The guideway operations are a user global personal cell phone democracy administrativly controlled non profit charity like service.
At a smaller than present, per square mile of coverage expense, all optical fiber, cell phone and internet services for data, entertainment and communications could get transfered to guideway mounted housings, distributed as open data switches at closer spaced sites to users, reducing power consumption and solving the problem of concentration of data center vulnerability and cooling. Data switch storage and centers are obsoleate. All power and signal electronics is cheaper to automaticly maintain widely distributed up on the high wind and ice storm resistant guideways, above floods, storm surges and most tidal waves. The guideway designsintroduces totally integrated plug and play power electronics. This is presently not part of any known to me operating products. Proposed is that the vehicles and other systems be unitized formed together much like chips and integrated circuits. Parts are replaced fastner free by cutting a failed part loose and high temperature bonding it back together. Making pier and data electrical contact and gas and fluid tight connections is generally described. Wording and plumbing as we know it today mostly goes away integrated into the solid structural and mechanical systems. This is like a surgery performed on a machine. More parts are simply integrated into fewer larger parts. This is about how you put these together in seamless fabrication processes reducing the cost by about half.
As new guideway users request globally connected open boarder guideway service to their properties their costs of living and doing business should drop by about half to two thirds of present levels. For maybe half or more of the world’s populations this would be their first taste of getting out of human primativism. For everybody else even people in the secret space programs this will be all new. This means guideway economies allow your wages to go about twice as far or more, equivalently grow in effective purchasing power buying twice as much. The guideway eliminates any future need for anyone to own and pay for a personal automobile for and most of your energy expensesas as monthly seperate bills. Energy is integrated or metered as a cost of service share of guideway services.
The new design integrate panel homes provide most of their energy for climate control no longer needing vast amounts of energy for comfort because everything is built evacuated SIPs panel windowless construction.
What all present autos, trucks, construction and military machines, railroad locomotives, airplanes, rockets and ships have in common is a fuel gauge and on board limited fuel tank. This needs to be filled up perioticly the global suspended monorail guideway get their electric power fiercely from ultra deep geothermal electricity for unlimited life time range.
An internally mostly self funded global robotic transportation system brings goods directly to your home from a wider selection than Amazon, Menards and Walmart combined.
The guideways use for the first 10,000 to several million years in some locations, nearly limitless pollution free ultra deep geothermal electricity. The guideway user’s range of activities expand by tens of times to low cost instant on demand faster than commercial jet movement with possessions over the whole planet. For businesses their customer base expands with less business advertising overhead from a Google only for profit monopoly main search separation. Products and services require a new format to scientifically rate options for generic searches. Pictures and responses require that negative, hostile or derogatory activity be detected as well as unusual injection of topicless general support. All searches should involve generic results with redirects to websites to get more positive presentations.
Google, the yellow pages, TV entertainment and many other main data and communications industries forces market presentations for monopoly profit in direct violation of laws against organized crime of creating businesses solely to extract money from people not to first provide useful products and services. Guideway searches are proposed to become user controlled, category specific, authoritative and non profit. How to do this effectively with lower cost robotic industry maintained components is what this is about. This is user not media choice and catagory related, no unrelated paid advertizing. Propsed is redirects to company sites using minimal , a cent or two , for customer searches to paid for advertizing not customers paying through higher product cost ligeneral service charges to look at unsolicited advertizing. A media user could select to receive specific types of calls, texts or emails world wide or criminal penalties imposed for cross boarder or internal solicitations. This requires global required recognition of primary sources including primary and other operating addresses and connections. This requires user controled laws and choices not industry bribable representatives and regulators.
Any out runner wheel motor is metal and plastic basalt cement case free, with a high strength dielectric fire proof high temperature over the magnets and cooled by direct coil emersion dielectric fluid powered by slot core removed deep anywhere geothermal electricity is more powerful than a Space -X rocket but more energy efficient than a unit coat train. Efficency is traded for higher speeds provided by the higher hoop stress sustainable wheel motors, a slip free barel micro gear tooth tread, long inflated streamlining conical ends and long average vehicle trains. If you hldo not understand this then you need to study physics or keep reading till it makes sense to you. I learned much of this from my with grade science class when I was fourteen. It took another fifty years and possibly half a million or so pages of answer searching reading and thousands of conversations with top specific technical people to find the rest of the details. You need to do the same. The govornments, engineers and present industries are not going to figure out what defeats their present and future livelihoods.
Any out runner wheel motor snound with a high strength dielectric five over the magnets and cooled by direct coil emersion dielectric fluid powered by slot core removed deep anywhere geothermal electricity is more powerful than a Space -X rocket but more energy efficient than a unit coat train. Efficency is traded for higher speeds provided by the higher hoop stress sustainzuutglmdmdbdrable wheel motors, a slip free roller chain sprocket like micro gear tooth tread, long inflated streamlining conical ends and long average vehicle trains. The govornments, engineers and present industries are not going to figure out what defeats their present and future livelihoods.
This set of ideas is based on a combination of simplifying and unifying global infrastructure, to lower cost by minimizing vehicle drag and increasing all movement speed to two to three times faster than using multi trip stage jet air freight and passenger services. Faster vehicles make more trips, carry more weight and volume, serve more users in a given time. The tiny guideway vehicles come to your home directly not you go to a airport or high speed rail terminal. No intermediary last mile delivery truck or bus or taxi cab is needed. Streets have always been in their crude massive simplicity more expensive than light weight overhead monorails. Ten to fifteen billion rroad, rail, air and marine vehicles have been built and scraped every few decades because they operate in traffic and environmental hazardous conditions at low speeds and low ton mile efficienciesif operated at high speed. The literally are designed with an expectancy they will wear or rust out.
The proposed designs are intended to function over the centuries through many pit stop rebuilds, not needing replacement with anything better other than maybe mass decoupling, if that is ever practical. Imagine buying a 1,000 mile range electric auto that is all terrain and just short of 200 MPH in top speed at shorter ranges in 1890. Would you in hind sight have wanted some thing better that has never been prototyped today? This is the level of difference being described for the future. Only the guideway vehicle are regularly over three time faster and more efficient That this 1890s vehicle we could have had but do not have a century and a quarter latter. Where are the inventors and engineers? They are copy cats.
Reforming global primary industries to become people instead of profit friendly increases general economic productive or wealth levels. Over at least 3,000 years now it has been observed that genetic, family or geographic luck allows some people to prosper over others. Resources that are not integrated into a totally recyclable economy are limited. Consumption needs a long term repair or replacement of losses. The global guideway proposal is designed to level the playing field, by increasing the general effects of wealth like outcomes without the costs. The 40 million miles of guideways uses a fraction the available scrapable steel in existing transportation and zero Portland mass poured concrete. This is also the end of any need for concrete construction of all kinds the end of the Stone Age we still live in. Enough steel exists in scraping the unused vehicles and equipment to immediatelyo build the 40 million mile guideway inetwork connecting every place and it’s total energy replacement power supply as all new deep shaft geothermal.
Reforming global primary industries to become people instead of profit friendly increases general economic productive or wealth levels. Over at least 3,000 years now it has been observed that genetic, family or geographic luck allows some people to prosper over others. The global guideway proposal is designed to level the playing field, by increasing the general effects of wealth like outcomes Without the costs.
Required is making lifetime assistant and user directed electronic education to be virtually free to use. This is introducing, at a lower overhead cost, personal fully automated software assistants on more durable lifetime smart phone services that would be a substitute for wealfare workers and guides for people with problems, to help them organize their lives, to connect together in seeking the best opportunities. Connecting people to keep them constantly busy and interested in doing productive stuff can keep them active, healthier and live longer.
The guideway subsideraries can roboticly mass produce SIPs evacuated panel whole wall, floor and roof panels creating all imaginable design features for all geography housing. These structures can have hard fused glass or stone like surfaces with multi century to thousand year weather-ability in all positions. Only frequent acid rains pose a long term deterioration problem. Integrated in are user economic growth appliance and sanitation features that are fabricated to self sustained as a stand alone structures used in any desert, jungle or arctic tundra as plug and play units. Housing for the masses that requires lower cost per square foot. Thermal PV panels collect three times or more the energy of the best present electric only solar panels. Nobody ever again goes homeless or starving. With self supporting robotic self owned industry the guideway replants and maintains a global balanced ecology seperate from human and natural spreading of plants and animals. Along guideway paths on either side for thousands of feet or miles eventually took carriers and top service vehicles can work tirelessly planting and watering fruit, nut and hardwood trees that existed in the America’s, Europe, Asia and Africa before humans cut them down for wood and filed spaces. Basalt fiber and castings replaces wood, Steel and plastics in most uses.
There are now hundreds of millions of people who would help each other to participate at no or low incomes in organizing and participating in services at the edges of the robotic self owned guideway activities.
People have to lead the way by engineering and developing the mechanistic guideway server system towards self robotic mass production and installation. They might do this for normal incomes and the artistic technical challenges not for exceptional profits. As in the Robert Bosch foundation plan society benifits not a wealthy class. As Nicolas of Cusco pointed out many hundreds of years ago if just a small share of wealth of the powerful were diverted back into bringing up or improving the lives of the lower classes the once poor people’s industry would in turn create more wealth than could be imagined. To sustain this we have to move from an extraction economy to a self sustaining internally organizing economy.
Like owning the car you control you can change directions of the guideway PRT vehicle at any time, get out, have the vehicle circle close by low traffic blocks with your possesions on board while you get a meal or take care of business. The vehicles either enter a shed built on top of rows of each houses, apartments or businesses or spiral to the floors of tall buildings elevator free for interior access or lower into the space between or over home and business lots or yards and alleyways for ground level anywhere access. In factories and ware houses common guideway vehicles are small enough to fit down most isles to come right next to machines and shelves for loading.
No one ever again needs to own or use a personal road vehicle of any kind. In fifty to a hundred years of guideway service most of the world’s vehicle pavements would be abrasive thin kerf or flame shallow cut and impactor broken up into blocks by robotic tool carriers and hauled of by the guideways for use as bike and walking paths and water shoreline retaining walls and flood dike and earthen dam surfacing. This salvaged concrete and asphalt might creat low cost high thermal mass buildings.
The guideway vehicles after making ajoin up at full speed with passing vehicles to form ever longer passing trains of identical vehicles. Eventually they are moving jumbo jet loads of inter mixed passengers and cargo at just below the speed of sound using less energy than a streamlined motor cycle sized salt flats racer at the same speed to over come frontal area drag and about a cent a ton mile for additional vehicles. All of this without using evacuated tubes.
The guideway is a public service trust that automaticly self builds out at user requests for property access with no human engineers, urban or national planners needed. The users collectively design their own local systems as they are being automaticly installed. Getting diverse opinioned people as neighbors to cooperate in each other’s perceived best interest is part of a new form of global to local internet democracy as a replacement for charsismatic religious like govornments. Public right of ways, property owner easements and proportional revenue leases and utility rows provide the overhead right of ways and vegetation covered pier locations and landing access spaces. Nobody senseable would refuse guideway crossings since this replaces all inefficient transportation and allows public streets to be made over into guideway maintainded strip parks and natural habitats between properties where streets, highways and parking lots once stood. Every where hard surfaced land is relandscaped by guideways and their tool carriers. The guideway and tool carriers build small staged dry Surge pond dams to reduce catastrophic flooding.
The global guideway grid can be extended at a rate of several million new miles each year working towards eventually 40 million miles in three to four decades serving directly every home, business, rural farm, ecology serviced and popular access site on the planet. All shipments and personal movements are offered to achieve higher than presently imaginable productive outcomes. People’s incomes go farther due to the lower infrastructure and advertising overhead cost of goods. The guideway automaticly plants and waters shielding tree lines it moves through and on every adjacent property at the request of owners relandscapes vacant and abandoned properties. Charges are proportional to costs plus the shortest payback periods.
Guideway internal economics, is through global guideway banking, only located on board the collective vehicle fleet and in servers. There needs be no guideway bank headquarters or branch building locations anywhere and human run investor services. The guideway global financial system can be integrated into existing currencies but available to all without intermediary or broker charges. The guideway banking system becomes non profit global insurance and new projects Investment capital resources without requireing human deciders or centralized benefactors. A as yet uncertain system of guideway user direct global democracy, that never makes up its mind, can not violate principles of human rights or collective acumulated common law and finte decision system artificial intelligent systems for identifying people and classifying value returns on investments. Similarly a automated algorithm might be developed to identify and classify or reformulate common law into integrated principles of best and forbidden activities. Libertarian values with historical helpfulness or social values as described by Adam Smith and others. This might replace the global 30% or so overhead cost of human leader CEO management. Much of this cost is in wasteful spending trying to find excuses for sociopathic leader management.
This requires designing for total automation instead of trying to apply automation to investor based human managed industries and complex to manage human controlled road and air vehicles that operate in hazardous environments. No existing govornments or business institutions are outlawed. They just are allowed to naturally go bankrupt and die off. People should not be held responsible to maintain historic but defective institutions and their defenses.
A vast fleet of free path mass decoupled vehicles would probably be bumping into to each other and creating new forms of pollution we can not imagine yet. The goal is to eliminate all identifiable forms of human pollution and inefficiencies. This is fully automated industrial plant internal efficiency systems applied out of doors everywhere from start of productive materials extraction and food production, integrated as seamlessly as possible down to everybodies personal choices and freer lifestyles. This is not like all present planning as variants using legacy machines, institutions, infrastructure and economics within inefficient industrial economies that are based around obsoleate transportation, energy, warehouse to store based distribution with for profiteers and leaders, not consumer benifit being the guide to product design. This is intended as a boost to everybodies outcomes. making their personal lives richer at the same time as bringing impoverished people into a every body is a jet setter world and solar system. The guideway steps on the toes of all central authorities while enrichening their own life’s possibilities that differential wealth alone can not bring them.
This global guideway might generically be called a PRT or personal rapid transit system. PRT systems have always had limited urban goals and are all intended to be under 140 MPH. This design and specifications based global guideway proposal is conceptually unlimited in it’s immediately on demand service and speed goals. These can only be set by users desires translated into mass produced outcomes. One or many companies have to create a new systems design that has zero defects. Otherwise the designs will still need replacing by some newer incomparable version. This is like the 1800s need to create railway standards only these have to be global. 40% of all parducts today cross a boarder at one point. Life and commerce are global not national and insular. When everybody has total freedom, comfort and safety then there is no longer a need for mass imagigration. This remains to this writing first known transportation form to be so described.
starting as soon as interests are willing to invest in it a launch ring ET3 PRT Startram like launch and recovery system can be built for less than the yearly cost of present space programs. A goal might be about $8 a pound upto and back from low earth orbit for millions of tons a year at 3 Gs up and back to shorten tube kegs and reduce capital costs. Soace becomes just like other countries to visit and do commerce with across a mother form of ocean. More on this further on.
A new design for ultra deep geothermal generation is required to permantly achieve at least five times larger global electric supply needed to replace all slower more expensive fuel burning and future electric road transportation and nearly all other uses for fuel burning, The global guideway longitudinal structure becomes an approximately 6,000 volt DC global emergency power grid making up for occasional losses of local power. The lights never go out anywhere again because the guideways can survive nearly all disasters that disable high voltage minimum sized wire power grids.
Proposed is an apparently new version of the roughly 90 year old high velocity flame rock cutting process. This is using a thin kerf cylinder three segment pie slice core removal and small diameter turret drill method of ultra deep large shaft CO2 based geothermal heat extraction for electricity production. This reduces the energy and tool wear cost of reaching several hundred cubic miles of hot rock under most places on Earth and under the ocean floors to generate electricity from a single well head for several thousand years. This is using the guideway as a low cost fully automated industrial support base to replace all practical need for fuel burning or propulsion batteries and energy storage. Geothermal operates non stop. The guideway is designed to be probably viable for tens of thousands of years into an accelerated environmentally neutral global econmic future.
The proposed miniature high section but light weight monorail design is a all overhead crash free pathway for vehicles that use small frontal area inline chains of single wheel motors. These need to be about 3 foot diameter to reduce bearing and tread wear and hoop stresses at high speed. These are four to five inch wide wheel motors. These coreless out runner DC synchronous wheel motors with micro gear slot spanning traction and prearch Maher attractive steering against guidewheel centering appears to be a unique design. These stationary center coil and commutation motors are like external rim permanent magnet armature maglev in simplicity. The rolling element bearings are centering and shock load absorbers. The primary load of gravity, speed changes and cornering are all born by magnetic unloading the roller bearings. This is using a combination of mechamicly moved permant and electric magnets.
The wheel contact is slip and mostly friction free but lower in energy cost and friction per ton milebearingA, centrifugally lifting oil seals barely makes contact over a set slow speed. A barrel contact tooth root micro gear traction rim instead of using fricton as all road and rail vehicles use.
These new type direct electricly propelled wheels are designed to continuously operate faster than jet aircraft normally fly. This is because per passenger or ton carried they have lower frontal area at a lower coefficient of drag. Skin friction is minimized by most of these vehicles operating in long trains, as speed increases, sharing their motor power for speed changes and fairly cool cruising. Friction is reduced by energizing the boundary layer over the first 400 feet parabolicly decreasing friction. These vehicles operate on a open grid or low interference drag reduced monorail pathway. They have a fraction the support resistance per ton than jet airliners flying at high altitude. They are lower in cost to build the guideways they run on than side streets and rural gravel road systems simply by eliminating the human managment and labor cost.
The guideway network is a lower cost replacement for streets, railroads, airports, most commercial harbor faciliaties, all wire electric power line distribution, sewer, water, gas pipe networks and all cell phone, satellite and buried fiber systems. The single guideway more reliably replaces everything at lower user costs because it integrates robotic mass production manufacturing, construction and operation and maintenance into the design concepts. These are not adaptively added on. Most normal overhead costs we expieriences today as cost of living rises are bypassed by a global guideway marketing and customer serving system that needs no profit making human directorates.
This is proposing analytical infrastructure development based on statistical not authority and conventional practice investments. Cost to user benefits ratios should govern designs, not provided power and profits. Figuring out how to do many time more or better at a fraction the cost should be the goal.
The guideways with one vehicle design that does almost everything and one whole new form of guideway carried robotic race car fast, ATV industrial surface running gear replaces hundreds of present vehicle and mobile equipment types.
The guideways provide cheaper faster easier to use transportation. The guideway carry user controlled intelligent robotic like assistant universal tool carriers. These provide labor saving global industrial efficency on demand rented as needed system for making everything possible in average people’s lives. The guideway and tool carriers are intended to operate as a global non profit public service self owned but user controled trust. Similar to E-sign ideas robotic systems can form seperate use robotic non profit vertically organized industry economic relationships.
The automation no matter how complex remains finite task and user purpose oriented. No central administratlive control is nessasary.
It is possible to create robots and thinking creatively self aware computers that might become dangerous to humans and all biological life. A computer as a decision maker is like a psycopathic person who senses no consequences or empathy of out comes. No life expieriences or personal understandings. People leave tough decisions to leaders, experts and nonexistent gods. Computers may seem to be the next trusted decider. All present computers do not have the self variable and reforming interconnection to achieve robotic selfhood. These thinking machines are curiosities and creative challenges but not of any useful or practical purposes. Why create what could become your mortal enemy.
Using the guideway is as simple as using a building elevator. You you call a vehicle with three to four numbers keyed on your cell phone. Like calling for a elevator, the vehicles come to you, quieter than most road vehicles since there are no gear boxes, rubber tire treads or exhausts and aerodynamicly noisy inefficient bluff bodies. The vehicles arrive unloaded faster than a rail dragster in excelleration and deceleration. They use about the energy cost of a medium sized motorcycle running fast on streets because they have less drag, a more efficient wide operating map motor with a new form of motor throttling, regenerative braking that is so redundantly internally reliable that friction brakes are no longer needed for emergency stopping.
The proposed new vehicle design is much faster and longer in body length to cylindrical and interior volume than most automobiles only as small in frontal area as a motorcycle and rider. Square cross section versions are possible but are less sufficient and not pressurizable. The vehicle arrives quickly from a locally cruising only rarely parked, globally distributed world wide fleet of eventually about 300 million guideway vehicles and machines. This guideway fleet operating in near surface airspace without interfering with any present vehicle paths or land uses replaces our present about 2.5 billion vehicles and mobile machines. Even during rush hours most present vehicles are parked. The guideway vehicles have many alternative tasks such as international water, commodities and goods delivery and the totals reuse recycling of all site of generation separated, condensed and sanitized effluents streams to non poluting outcomes. The guideway vehicles multi task doing everthing so almost never stop their motion. If not carrying and delivering mail of ordered products they are moving food and industrial commodities and water for irrigation and domestic use. How to keep safe good smelling clean interiors for human passengers, without requireing external cleaning facilaties is another set of ideas. The vehicles clean themselves in route between tasks.
On arrival of the nearest vehicle with the required capacity, the vehicle finds you by location presented or your cell phone and self lowers to ground level at a safe spot near you or an unattended load or personal item to be shipped anywhere. You get into or load the self lowered anywhere guideway vehicle. You then key in a address code and swipe or chip a credit or debit card, use a guideway finance card or your cell phones payment system or use cash or coins all in the armrest ATM. You key in a single digit trip economy number from fastest service to cheapest service and a destination address or name and country if needed of any cross referenceable type or press on a global map in at least three or four stages of increasingly larger scale to point to the destination you desire to go or ship to. All of this can be carried out before hand on anybodies smart phone.
Each vehicle has two reverseable facing direction when not in use self end folding seats. Compartment moveable inflated curtain partisans can seperate you from another individual rider or a goods delivery in the same vehicle. Personal trips take presidence over item movements. Most vehicles might have packages or mail in route going a similar direction as you are. Charges are decided between loads based on costs of use factor sharing. There is rarely a need for more than two seats. A few guideway vehicles would have more seats installed possibly four to six, all single file for the rare larger group. Mostly hundreds to thousands of people from a single location could decide to go some place at one time. A vehicle would be called at urban speeds of about three miles a minute to join in groups and do group lower and pick ups. In a few minutes the crowd would be on their way to any destination on the planet.
On a vehicles lowering to your requested height level, the full length gull wing door opens as the vehicle nears the ground or floor you are on. A seat near you swings out and drops its foot and leg rest over the floor lip. You step onto the foot plate and sit down. Ths seat reclines back as you push the destination identification start button and go door to door down the block or world wide.
A new form of wheel chair is proposed to allow roll on and off entry as there is a countradiction between present ADA standards and better mobility for handicap people. Having been a care giver for 36 years for two quadraplegic people I had tens of thousands of daily expieriences that lead to these new design features. It is cheaper to mass produce a new personal care all terrain stair climbing system and give one to every handicap person on the planet than to design inefficient transportation around them.
One person or a single letter in a mail or package receiver or millions of people or tons of goods at a time get moved. Many tons requires a similar number of vehicles. Much more on massive and tiny movements latter on.
The proposed in air guideway design can become almost as fast in longer trains of vehicles in pushing through sea level air pressure resistance as Hyperloop is in a partial vacuum, at a fraction the construction and operating cost of the tubes. The energy use for this external access guideway, is specificly less than a bicycle rider cruising. At any point every guideway vehicle is a self lowering monorail vehicle. While the vehicles in longer trains are fully capable of going over 1,400 MPH they would be governed to not break the sound barrier or exceed line speed limits. 650 MPH would be the fastest speed they would go limited as well by air temperature cross wind buffeting and line straightness.thick fog, heaviest rains, think ice accumulatonk, flooding storms, hale, the deepest snow, when everything stops moving the guideways go at their regular speed.
The full length stop on line access plus entrainment and long nose and tail cones with small as possible frontal areas and having different vehicle body frontal areas that use segmentally mating cones to taper between the smaller people , and denser commodities carrying and delivery vehicles that cost less per mile to use and the heavier larger bulkier merchandise and larger cross section machinery carrying higher volume vehicles that cost more per vehicle mile to operate because they have higher air drag. The cheaper smaller frontal area vehicles might cost half a cent to five cents a ton or passenger mile in longer trains at 200 to 650 MPH to use. The largest vehicles might cost about double to triple this amount approximately proportional to the frontal area increase. Energy, wear and facilaties and a vehicle's state of debt retirement vary the rates as well as user trip speed choice. The user is in charge not a owner. The guideways serve users and users chose equipment and global guideway contractors. Educated users help guide choices but any user could do their own research and make suggestions seen by all.
The guideway system is designed to be built as inexpensively as a single lane of pavement for light span loading access grids like side streets and rural road access miles. The lower the span load and power supAs long as they operate slower over these side street and rural access road guideways lightly loaded pairs and short trains of vehicles keep construction costs down by reducing span and pierloads and local power requirements for acceleration of heavier traffic loads. Urban guideways exist in a power dense area anyway so there are few limits on rates of acceleration per unit of traffic mass. Light guideway vehicles described herecould have between about 750 KWs to 1,500KWs of 94% efficient motor thrust or regenerative braking per ton. Load capacity would commonly be two tons. The most common vehicle load would be one passenger or light serial deliveries weighing usually under 500 pounds.
These monorails are X pile driven without any concrete foundations directly over every property, leveling out the alignments without any fill over any terrain, above in the air or shallow submerged in partially evacuated tubes across all water areas. The piers can have a so far unique form of deep verticle frost and settlement movement resisting tip anchorage. The X pier bases can be placed in under thirty seconds and pulled up in similar times to move the guideways to new locations at two to twenty miles a day, same as construction rates.
Each 90 to 300 foot span of guideway placed every couple of minutes or so is ready for full speed and load service imediately. There is no cure time or surrounding finishing work. Only the compressed soil and sod around the base is disturbed as no construction equipment is needed at ground level. Out rigger feet are needed to stableize support and guide the span and in placing the next pier, possibly usin a span as it’s own pier placement boom. These might cause some sod slight depressions in softer yards and fields. Guideway spans and piers self adjust to complex elevation, easements and combinations of attachments at any points along the spans. Spans can be cut off and rapidly rewelded to form new lengths. Suspension bridge guideway span systems can allow regular spans as long as about 300 to 1,500 feet between piers as pre designed and remotely manufactured systems before manual bridge building operations are required.
Guideway mass produced asset parts are like railway rail that can be pulled up and relaid in a few minutes, transported quickly to a new location over the top service rails of the guideway to be used else where. This is not like concrete and steel in most bridges who’s reuseable value requires crushing or melting down or moving to lesser salvage beam uses.
The guideway network proposal is designed to include a self installed locally sourced total global ultra as deep as possible geothermal electric supply. The guideway has lower cost roboticly mass produced built in data, entertainment presentation and communications. The vehicles carry on every one full service ATM finance and all possible government and institutional utilities.
No one known, that published, has ever suggested universal all functions transportation and utilities as a structural and component arrangement designed system. The production engineering ideas are included to try and lower costs from present production line systems that require a high human overhead. The structuers and components are designed to be easily mass producible. This is not to take away incomes transferred to investor profits but to lower costs of living per hour that they work by eliminating any future requirement for investor and engineering or government regulatory and funding management. The users collectively manage what capitalism and all levels of socialism have failed to provide. Savings wage jobs are a result of lower costs not higher incomes and faster circulation of scurrencies or an increase in the velocity of money along with a reduction in non productive administration. In an ideal economy all people are encouraged and assisted in making good decisions for themselves instead of being led to decisions that benifit administrators and investors. We are on the threshold of making even complex technical tasks robotic. Robots need to serve people not investors and leaders who profit from the elimination of human overhead cost and rebelion or fickle market alegences. The global guideway creates simpler operating systems in safe pathways that reduce automation risks and complexities.
One fully automated system that is public service, roboticly self owned, requireing zero representation or agents. In early religions this was called the Christ or direct access to God’s. People were not in agreement as to who was in control back then as now. We are all in control but we need a way to take control. Instead users control the automation choices and the system does everything cheaper than any or all present historical industries and institutions. The people who get the benefits also pay the costs and should make the decisions.
Today amature internet users are controlled by internet investors and leaders. In the every day act of using cell phones and computers as well as the guideway a global democracy system lets the world populations become members of all boards of directors and govornment decisions. This saves about a tenth of the cost of everything and introduces more rational understandings into all people’s minds. Simplifying issues then layering on details like a preorganized outline with all previous similar common law, investment decision examples added i
This on board and in every media administrative process includes fully automating engineering p to eliminate design biases that favor requirements for no longer nessasary technical deciders of otherwise well proven pre designed choices. Each guideway developing engineer puts thousands of future engineers out of work doing guideway fully automated tasks. These engineers are freed up to take on other challenges. This never totally eliminates a need for human innovators and their inventions and refinements.
The guideway is combined with a single source non profit search engine lower item of use cost distributed network for data and software organization systems. This system replaces human facilities schooling with family and business and industry skills on line course systems with private and public human where computer and hand student Hans on nearly free on line courses fail. Pocket cell phone personal assistant tutors treated as a universal personal life time education and activities suggestion organizer. This personal pocket organizer or assistant now called smart phones is differently provided at production maintainence and replacement cost by the global public trust robotic guideway industry. Users self cross train and get certified in maintaining all systems. Users can then ihelp each other as they do today or on occasion get paid at higher skill levels to journeyman fix things that break or wear out.
This is intended by design specifics to become a universal economic facilitator. The goal is to replace all possible high cost to benifit ratio services and products with many times better performing and lower cost services. This lowers the survival cost per capital for everything to just above free. Universal human happiness and prosperity is the intended goal. Occasionally this is generalized as the greatest good for the greatest number. This is opposed to investor and airistocrocy economies where leaders and investors become the main benificeraries requiring sufficient numbers of religious like followers of central organization, verses direct democracy to keep populations under the control of representative power networking oligarchies. This has always resulted in aristocracy, religions, govornment or investor tyranny and mixes of these administrations. The chosen service mechanisms can not be separated from administrative control choice mechanisums. Liberal progressive user self benefiting investment optimizing or user control is absolutely required for success. Engineers, accountants, corporate boards of directors, govornment agencies and large market investors will each chose systems designs that benifit their financial and vocational profiting class, not users. Users have to be promotionally sold on ideas. User acceptance requires marketing for features such as style or religious like image or trust in companies stkleaders over understanding of consequences or factual physical advantages as value to cost ratios of all possible substitutes. Intellectuals often warp nowledge
close off professional discussions that eliminate their information ascendency over more accurate new information. This i seen in all of the sciences. Keeping a minds open to new information requires constant research and questioning. Knowledge is never settled in most areas.
This is about creating a single vehicle type that self lowers for access anywhere, suspended from an overhead guideway.
The vehicles are single file sit down entry like small but comfortably high floor levels matching the best chosen seat height the vehicle lower to. This is unavoidably required to reduce average frontal areas to a fourth present personal auto, SUV, van or pickup road vehicles at about a fourth to a tenth or less the aerodynamic form drag frontal area a hundredth the dynamic drag. In typical vehicle traffic density trains this becomes a thousands of the energy demand. Savings are converted to ultimately fast just supersonic speed. Keeping vehicle motors and interiors cool becomes the challenge.
Because every vehicle has a new form of zero slip highly elastic hard high lubricious material wheels with no contact shaft seals at operating speeds and low lubrication and cooling viscus and electrical resistance losse are the most efficient vehicles ever proposed out side of possibly a well designed ET3 or mass decoupling vehicles.
These vehicles no longer require any form of station, parking space, driveways or other access points at ground or water surface level. Any area just under or beside the overhead monorail path can be access for commodities, finished products, took, equipment, building materials, people and their possessions. Most items might be less expensive over time if rented or leased instead of owned. The guideway becomes the renter and storage system for global product resources and recycling of unused wastes. Products and materials migh originate from robotic zero overhead cost self funded industries, human run for profit and cooperative non profits and mixes of all of these and more. The goal is lowering the user cost while improving product durability. Restoring independent consumer comparative study systems would help in users making choices.
The chosen running gear is a first time known proposal for large diameter, thin out runner wheel motor, top and bottom crank arm pair disc guidewheel monorail. This eliminates axial twisting forces on bearings and suspension components. All forces are straight line radial stresses. This reduces component and surrounding structure weight and cost. Active alignment and PRT steering of a new non friction kind is proposed. This is a lower friction optimization of the 190 year old Palmer monorail idea that has been operating on the Whopertal line for over 122 years now. This system previously was called the Enos monorail that briefly operated in South StPaul Minnesota for a year In the mid 1880s. The Enos system was replaced by a ground railroad trolley system and humans have had inferior primative transportation choices offered to them ever since. Several attempts to reintroduce very high speed no collision with surface traffic and hazards monorails were attempted but failed in the 1910 to 1980s period. Large railway vehicle size and earth sypom
made limited station access line costs too high but still no higher than express limited access highways, railways and airport construction during this era became about 6% of the average global economy or cost of living. Since the mainly roadway and airport infrastructure had a deterioration and service obsolescence life of about 30 years everything had to be additionally rebuilt about every thirty years. If roads were as fast as aircraft at airports and as efficient as railways with personal instead of mass transit and trucks then only one infrastructure investment is needed. The global guideway design is a all in one investment.
Titan industries, for a couple of decades, tried to introduce self lowering access, finally as a container port handeling system but failed to come up with competitive designs.
Unlike aircraft the smallest practical frontal area monorail is highly efficient in requireing less energy than a micro single file automobile such as the Tango electric car in specific air drag. No lifting wing tail or ships hull drags are required so there is no economy of scale advantage for very large and slow vehicle systems. Everything moves fast one to four pallet loads or a single person at a time in the most efficient anywhere access system. Roads have not in several thousand years been the cheapest final mile accept as narrow dirt walking paths. The Romans and ten thousand year pre Roman cultures could have built wooden guideways instead of stone roads thousands of years ago. Nobody thought of it in all of this time. Well I thought of it decades ago but then I am a nobody.
This vehicle and its services use common graphics displays to guide first time users to be vending machine convenient to use, that provides all local to global transportation, energy, institutional and economic networks. Present ticket and trip formatting in transit systems are obsoleate in the interactive computer era. Even paper transactions accept ticket records issued for accountancy records are no longer needed. We need adaptive proportional cost plus investment towards the fastest afordable and competitive payback, plus increasing rolled over service extension funding as instant situationally adaptive user billing.
A financial form slightly superior to the Robert Bosch foundation model is proposed. Fixed arbitrary ticket prices are obsoleate. Users can select graphically represented choices of service customizable for every trip, delivery, mass shipment of all goods or commodities arrangements with receivers and costs. This can be done in under ten seconds of user inputs, with one to four single touch screen button taps plus a destination typed In or chosen from a global to local address or using a touch map in three to for stages, again about ten seconds or less. Payment is by any means plus a new form of currency, a global guideway financial account.
This intelligent vehicle that is little more complex in automation than a best of today’s cell phones or lap top computers, communicates liberally with a new secure all on the elevated monorail guideway data and search network that requires a user and location identifiable point of data origin and a user certificate or communication license similar to what I heard Estonia has initiated. This is to eliminate the present problems of internet and telephone private and corporate crimes.
The guideway EMP hardened fiber network accessed data, entertainment and information can be connected to a guideway transported new device, the universal tool carriers. These tool carriers provide fully automated as well as user participatory robotic light to heavy equipment and ground personal transportation services. Every tool carrier has a single collapseable seat inside an inflatable collapseable compartment or full highway speed or cross allterain Smith riding mobility in a machine that can attach to rented tool to be a lift trunk, loader, crane, farm tractor, garden and landscape tree mover or planter, interior and exterior decorator device. As complex as this all sounds for a single running gear form system in several task sizes this is a specific new form running gear and standard interface to robotic tools or implements design idea. like some electric hand tools many different attachments can be used.
The guideway and outfitting is permanently ecology neutral by design.
The guideway can bring instantly prosperous modernity to every primative area it is built to or through. Mostly it brings transportation, water, energy, selective total waste recycling, financial human institution free on board every vehicle full service ATM banking, The bank comes to wherever you are, not you needing to go to the bank. The guideway is connected to all forms of information and communications. The guideway is a loop main high voltage DC power grid with excesses of capacity since the high performance vehicles require more energy than all other uses.
The guideway is designed to be roboticadaptively used for close proximity tasks. The guideway automaticly plants and waters tree lines, orchards and vegitable gardens on each side of it. The guideway automaticly installs and services ultra deep geothermal large shaft CO2 cuirculated autonomus generator sets that are mass produced high speed integrated rotor power units like APUs costing a fraction of large scale power plants per megawatt produced. The guideway is the self mobility for a new robotic global economy and the lower cost data system support bases for global person to person electronic only educational system that personal cell phone assistant informs and guides people in their decision making and skill sets improvements. This is identical to the present internet only at a lower zero data center and satellite free cost for moving massive data at a lower per unit cost.
Each local guideway installed and maintained geothermal ultra deep power plant collectively becomes the total energy engine that powers commerce by sharMing loads with the mass of guideway moving vehicles forming a local voltage regulating fly wheel like mass that can be regimented to locally absorb excesses of process energy so the flow can be throttled or slowing the vehicles slightly locally handling starting or intermittent demand load voltage drops. This creates unlimited, never fail, fuel free electricity for usually tens of thousands of years in every area using mostly local not long distance energy overhead and access to all the planets products and services. By going deep and not fracking to achieve thermal extraction from hot rock extraction porosity, using small holes instead.
Today energy is expensive because investors want profitable returns, armies of employees want wages benefits, retirement, days off. The guideway automation can quickly self own and finance new facilaties because it does not drag along the cost of limited production custom built human extraction mines and wells and industrial process and fuel transportation costs. The hen sets scattered out over the whole of human occupied areas extract thermal to electric conversion energy without pollution from a seemingly unlimited source. Actually new shaft sinking and tiny extraction hole mass produced fully automated machines are constantly extending the thermal surface area required to get electricity at high efficency out of marginally hot rock.
The guideway reduces the cost of living during the first three or four decades of it’s existence possibly to a third of present fuel and high administrative overhead economies.
After establishing public trust self owned but consumer controlled guideway industries this cost of living and social reliability would grow to a permant end of scarcity and survival of most planetary catastrophes.
This an above ground miniature scale, PRT monorail like system. It is computationally the lowest cost form of multi thousand year local source uninterruptible electric ultra deep local geothermal autonomously manufactured and built up power supply. This is the first in history design specific proposal for a forever fuel burning free sustainable massive industrial global to space economy. This is new forms of reliable agriculture production systems. This also describes moving completely away from petroleum based chemical economics to reduce harmful effects on people and the ecology they live in. This is not a prohibition against petroleum products only finding where possible more economic or less polluting substitues. The petroleum supply lasts forever and becomes occasionally cheaper using guideway product transportation.
The global guideway is designed to replace all existing slower, less convienient and more costly per trip unit, seat mile and ton mile transportation. This was designed to be a replacement for any future practical need for road vehicles, rail vehicles and aircraft. The global guideway designs were created to provide full anywhere municipal utilitlies without ever again requiring earth moving or burial of infrastructure. No system or product is banned. They can not compete with the new systems in any way practical.
Except for farming, dam building, storm water drainage and mining there would be little need again for earth moving machinery. Even houses and large buildings can be built without significant foundations and excavation. This lowers the infrastructure costs of small to global economies everywhere but requires functional design changes for new building forms or types to allow fire proof ultra light weight tornado resistant evacuated SIPs panel construction.
This provides many new forms of lower cost personal and industrial guideway supplied tools and products, none of which have ever existed before. The guideways are slightly slower than Hyperloop designs but much less costly to take to every farm, home, industry and rural settlement on the planet. A guideway grid like streets and rural roads is everywhere but cheaper.
The guideway is about Five times faster and a twentieth or less the cost of Uber and other electric air taxi services and cheaper by at least half to a third the cost of the smallest Google like autonomus road taxi services at least ten times the speed in urban areas than road autonomus vehicles and faster yet over longer distances. Road and rail and air vehicles were obsoleate compared to electric wheel motor tiny frontal area automated vehicles at least as early as the 1850s to 1890s but no one properly designed a guideway running gear in several detailed tries at development.
Trains of global guideway vehicles have unlimited trip ranges, never needing to stop for fuel or battery recharging at 950 feet per second and not needing any service by component design for at least one to several million miles. Each vehicle has built in four to many tens of allowed component failure redundncy layers without a noticeable speed reduction. No other vehicle ever had this kind of reliability and absolute trip safety probability designed in.
A prototype vehicle and figure eight test track for full speed testing could be built and running in one to two years for under possibly fifty million dollars using race car people not aerospace people for development and off the shelf Protean, Semens, or Unique Mobility motor elements as starting points. The small scale allows guideway prototyping using a first generation high speed basalt stamped truss guideway production machine test. Production for a mass rapidly manufactured motor might take four to five years and a couple hundred million dollars. Guideway final standard mass production of mass production guideway mobile fabrication and installation machinery and vehicle production might take a decade to reach full capacity of about three to five trillion dollars of product a year to replace the road and air vehicle economies in the next thirty years.
Eventual production might reach ten trillion a year because the guideway has real user appeal Not requiring other than a single area demonstration letting open new sources carry the message. Promotional hype is replaced by feature comparisons. The guideway cost is paid solely by user fees for services offered. The problem is how to reduce the cost of placing the global integrated robotic right of ways them making many guideway industries self managing and owned under electronic universal education based user democracies. People teach each other realistic ways to thought and self management through widening open cell phone forums.
The guideway reduces the cost and provides permant modern facilities every where. These are many levels of improvements higher than snart cities plans even for Americanmixed urban environments that have no modern options proposed anywhere. No smart city proposal based around roads has any esthetic advantage other than road use and buried utilities are familiar. The guideways placed over the top of a city automaticly can rebuild it to become a garden like urban park around existing homes and businesses with a new form of parking free guideway access. Home and business owners can use the self owned tool carriers to preform major renovations on their properties at low cost. The tool carriers can be programed to offer design assistance replacing professional human design services and sizing up needs for major work letting humans finish task details. The exact technologies being created for autonomus driving road vehicles serves well in the tool carrier applications. Boston Dynamics and many Japanese companies are creating the tool applications programming and aviator details. Reducing production costs becomes the next step in guideway robot global economy development.
Mobility and on demand services replace economies created to service auto and oil industries and major govornment planning agencies that are all replaced by full guideway automation at a lower cost to users. The ultimate goal is to eliminate any need for taxes and leaders of any kind. The cost of all products drop about two thirds based on the overhead global economy of industrial monopolies and govornment overheads. Guideway utilities are designed for conservation of air, water and soil quality resources. Industries and governments are designed around promoting consumption.
ET3 and mass decoupling vehicles are next but may not be as cheap to operate as the wheel supported guideway based on the limited data available to compare with. I am interested in making them as cheap as well but at least mass decoupling might also work better as a open air guideway enhancement. No way to know any of this now.
Failures would be expected but are part of accelerated lower cost prototyping. Figuring out how to produce prototypes from raw pre prep materials to finished new design versions in a week or so is part of these ideas making mass production of one off parts in a same day using lower pressure fast formed tooling. EPS foam shapes of large size can be countpur machined at speeds rarelyseen and coated in layers with ceramic shells that are thermally hardened into up to metalized or thermal Boyer sonic coatings in nitrogen encloses. Inside are foam cores that are soft and melt easily outside are cores that resist wear and temperatures applied that do not melt the foam cores. Additive applications more than machining away create details. You can go from design concept to finished assembly, possible using working parts off the shelf or from older designs to newer versions in a day to a week. You can test to destruction, redesign failure points and build new every few days. Bolt or screw fastner free designs required rethinking how things are put together and new standard attachment systems or going directly to fabricated in place designs where parts are cut out and rebounded in attachment to a seamless integrated structure vehicle. Hard parts are one with insulation free wiring imbedded inand working parts similarly built in without disassembly means that doubles manufacturing costs. Vehicles, air conditioners, stoves, TV sets even cell phones are totally integrated structures in which most seperate parts are reusable by cutting them surgically out or resolving the whole exterior around hardened interior parts the testing and reusing standard components. There are so many ways to do this but so little work towards these ends. New tools are needed fir garage mechanics to build their own new devices at home using these processes. Several of my friends have bought early models of these tools for their own expierimenting. Programing complexities needs new cell phone software to help people design with less coding or step knowledge making everybody an inventor prototype with less skill systems background.
New door latch systems are proposed for the guideway that integrates opening strength in all directions as well as localized bending and torsional carry through door gaps while being air tight. Hinged vased actuators are proposed and full parimiter match systems. The door still has to open after a catistropic impact without a jaws of life rescue being needed, but not release before requested from inside or after a impact indication from outside.
All of these designs use working existing product component and structural examples on which to base cost and performance calculations for improved engineering examples.
Required is the best possible guideway all purpose robotic vehicle delivery system. This has to become a probable universal standard that will not need replacing where no such standard ever existed before. This is well beyond visions of autonomus trucks, drones and taxis replacing drivers on streets. Essentially this makes obsoleate and impractical any continued use of road, air, rail and most commercial marine vehicles. It is probably impossible for high overhead surface or earth and subgrade heavy concentrated verses guideway dustributed load support infrastructure systems to be less than about three times the installed cost of guideway use. Ten to fifteen to twenty times the cost is the competitive target. The existing systems drag along all the high human overhead costs of existing transportation and energy choices. While these are viewed as providing jobs and profits they add to the cost of everything. This cost comes around several times in cost increases to all other products and services as well as any need for govornment ever again.
This proposal might lead to a self governing free enterprise global economy the fear of all conservatives that love government dictatorship in their stated hatred of it. The personal assistant smart phone can become a global to local self organizing and reality check grass roots democracy without leaders. No central computer does the leading but humans educate and hep improve the attitudes of each other. This is not a problem for most people but will be for a few who do not want to give up cherished emotional attachments to the religions and reliance’s of the past. A guideway industry roboticly built and delivered, not free but almost free stand alone home gives everybody a place to live in custom designed but mass produced cuircumstances. Food costs plume t as guideway planting and harvesting and small to large farm efficiencies and unlimited water on demand everywhere makes green house farming predictable under guideway built green houses and sea steaming farms that like floating counstantly reshaping masses of habitats produce food by following the sun light and seasons and taking with them ocean water cleaning habitats for fre ranging and sea food farmed fish. vegitable and fruit gardens produce on the roofs while people live between. Local colder claimant ocean temperatures might be changed as needed by these processes. Building mass produced sea habitat extrusions with integrated formed in bare conductor wiring and load protection with formed in place water and dry waste and fire sprinkler plumbing with new smart head directional fire suppression that spot controls fires without flooding areas like a human fire watch and fireman in every room. All of this in fire proof tornado resistant strong light weigh structures.
The basic principle is reducing single vehicle frontal area to the minimum required to carry 99.999% of all present trips used in moving goods and people around. Most large object movements exist at all because of our chosen large vehicle transportation and construction infrastructure requiring human operator control. Most trip mileage is personal access shopping and recreational transportation. Once all machines are robotized there is no longer a need for large machines and concentrating loads for operator efficiency.
Proposed is new fabrication processes where tiny machines build unimaginably large structures. 18 external square feet of total vehicle body frontal area is required to move all consumer and nearly all industrial and construction items and single file passengers in self positioning rider high normal operation reclining seats.
A new form of general service self compacting for guideway hauling universal tool carriers. These do all heavy work and any can become on user requests a heavy duty but efficient high speed all terrain vehicle. It was out of motor cycle hill climbing and cross country and walk up mountain climbing and spending decades around farms and construction sites and factories that this new vehicle form evolved. The running gear and attachments or tools are small enough to be hauled by the guideway but in self organizing groups large enough to move multi thousand ton items or anything smaller with the same equipment. I hesitate to say that these are like transformers as this creates fanciful thoughts but that is how they work in self sizing to fit jobs. The DARPA swarm ideas are applied here in new ways and new mechanisms. This provides all the mining, construction, farming and industrial materials handling capabilities of all present heavy machinery, only the units are small and programmed to self organize for all job classifications.
Once smaller frontal area cylindrical bodies the guideway vehicles need a new form of inflated steped collapseable rolling diaphragm streamline nose and tail cones. These renain to this writing unique in history as been developed to lower the single body coefficient of drag to below .01. Compare this to the .2 for Tesla and the lowest drag presently marketed automobiles and about .5 for Tesla semi truck .8 for common streamlined semis, about .1 for most high speed rail and .05 for most commercial jets. Now take these new design guideway vehicles and equip them to form seamless smooth sided windowless trains of any length and total drag becomes under about 4,000 KWs of frontal energy at 950 feet per second at just below the speed of sound in average day temperatures at sea level. A typical passing train might carry twenty tons to a thousand tons and possibly a hundred people on average based on common through highway rail and air traffic route distributions today. Most vehicles would run in shorter trains of two to six vehicles on through traffic guideways At 400 to 600 MPH. The low cost per operating mile means over spending just like speeder on highways commonly break speed limits and reduce by 15% or so their per mile operating costs. As the motor bearing and com’mmutation and cooling drag loss designs improve the operating costs come down. Energy costs are dependent more on waiting to join a passing train, while regenerative acceleration return loss ratios are improved imensky by multi motor coil taps tha leaves coil ends I shorted as voltage control by reducing magnetic coil coupling and CEMF. Mechanical air gap changing and self wheel motor case partial evacuation contributes to this wide high efficiency map that reduces electric consumption at high and low speeds at all power settings.
One problem remains uncertain that us elastic limit yield for the ring gear sheel rims over time possibly causing expansion and yield failure. There are several solutions a few of which are covered latter.
Provide each new guideway vehicle with about 1,200 KW to 2,400 KW of regular 45 second ambient cooling condition intermittent power from a new design integrated basalt fiber structure wheel motor and these vehicles can usually accelerate and regeneratively decelerate to and from 950 FPS or about 650 MPH in about 35 seconds at one G. This is comfortable for all semi recumbant seated, knees up passengers.
the motors are wound solid over core parts that are reused. This allows for structural continuity without assembly bolt and key alignment. The motors are totally additive composit manufactured. No machine cutting or casting processes.
Trains of such faster than any commercial jet but cheaper than heavy rail subway cars, more convienient automobile use because overhead monorail guideway if miniature enough in span loads can be mass installed with fully automated no engineers or architects costs required ever again for less than the present cost of a single lane of light weight paving. The guideway become cheaper than even primative macadamized rural roads to build anywhere.
As a corollary proposed is a new form of overland running gear the ridged single or double side moving track, that is still a first of it’s kind. This is the full highway 80 MPH speed universal tool and people carrier running gear sets. These replace all present form of land vehicles in all uses because they are not only smoother riding over rough surfaces than all sizes of air tires but have a rolling resistance about equivalent to flanged railway wheels. This could have been demonstrated a century or more ago accept now one thought about it before that is known to have published these thoughts.
These many original devices are designed to improve every possible user’s outcomes. The services are designed in, not requiring human run facilities as with convential adaptations of existing modes to fullautomation. Many consumable products are replaced with durable mechanisms and structures that will no longer need frequent repair and replacement in several centuries of use. The vehicles are beyond the autonomus taxis and delivery truck economies that operate at a tenth to twentieth the typical trip speed. The global guideway network is cheaper to build by about half than continuing to spend the $7 trillion a year on global infrastructure for a total lower cost replacement period of about 30 years to arrive at about 40 million miles of guideways to every home and business on the planet. This should be superior in every way you can measure compared to all combinations of existing transportation, energy, housing and market delivery.
Along with everything else a new form of durable housing construction identical to the proposed vehicle body form is proposed with costs at a fraction of present systems for building construction. This lives up to Buckminster Fuller’s long thought out, but never realized ideals, that were it’s design inspiration.
This design is unlike any other in that this is the first integrated unitized power electronic and plumbing integrated by a inverted wrapped core laid up then pull extruded and low pressure spot compression molded in end caps, component incerts and attachment points and window and door frames and corner edges using a quick catalytic set basalt fiber concrete material that has the strength to weight ratio of aluminum as a basalt fiber composite body.
The guideway uses a new form of running gear combining the Palmer and straddled slot suspended monorail with a new form of guidewheels and traction system that was in parts previously thought about but never attempted, then forgotten that increase wheel tracking accuracy at minimal below flanged railway rolling friction with machine tool tolerances at jet aircraft speed.
This appears to be able to improve the delivery and general efficiency of the global economy by about two to three times. Unfortunately a certain percentage of the existing economies and their jobs and profits structure will be replaced. They will fight as they previously have by every sociopathic means guideway introduction. This is exactly what happened when at first home telephones, electricity and personal automobiles replaced foot, horse, railway and street car mobility for most people between about 1910 and 1960.
This is a substitute replacing the capitalist fuel burning combustion engine and battery electric vehicle mixed economy marketing system with a new self funded, user directed, fully automated all purpose vehicle. This is all connected to a no advertising internet search system, administrated in presentation only by companies and individuals website and public information. The global guideway is a personal and commercial along every street and rural road outcome expeditor. This can be the start of rapid prototyping to global product access by combining together at high speed the world’s human resources. This is a physical high speed complement to the universal high informational access speed of the internet.
A new absolute international non-spoofed or not faked phone numbers, website addresses and emails linked to a certifiable physical address or sender location should be internationally required for all communications and data transmissions to assure responsibility for presentation and transactional honesty. Govornment agencies need to be held to the same standards as individuals and businesses. Preventing cross category internet search advertising inclusion will require a new web crawler a more intelligent search listing that understands customer comments and searches for fraudulent advertising indicators, also based on independent user oversight. New guideway internet and cell services can be by monthly subscriptions just as today. Dishonest businesses need to be weeded out before they can cheat so many people. It has never been true tha a wild untamed marketplace is self adjusting towards fairness.
Proposed is helping with free enterprise by providing a all robotic logistics system to lower the delivery cost in a unified global economy. All forms of govornment and business continue to function till they are no longer needed in the market place, but at higher levels of potential benifit to cost ratio performance.
This is the first known proposal of an all purpose global to local guideway based public trust utility system. This is a one design ultralight light weight or miniature PRT style miniature monorail that is fully automated, made to be lower in construction cost per mile than rural gravel roads and city alley ways to build and maintain. This is impossible to achieve with investor, political and engineering management. All existing administrative forms try to sociopathicly steer outcomes to profitable shared economic administrator class values over user interests. Users often do not have much voice as only certified services are allowed by laws such as operations and building codes and utility operational monopolies allowed in the name of efficency or assumed order. Customers or citizens have no choice and are mostly forced to use systems designed to profit providers not users. In the guideway design it is requested by property owners for built over the top of and undisturbing of existing utilities for improved personal mobility speed, direct global personal access and getting at lower cost delivered products and services.
A optimum design has to come from innovators that have no allegences to slower higher operating cost systems. In this case a complete ideal vision has to be designed toward without creating profitable customer traps or manipulations through monopolies latter on. This requires direct democracy user control and a pay as you go charge system that recovers costs in a competitive way as fast as practical to lower user costs as soon as possible. A constantly rolled over global guideway fund needs a funding starting point from which to launch new line extensions based on user requests. If the services are not the best the requests will not come in. Building intercontinetally at first between Walmart and other big box super stores is thought to be a starting point as they can lower prices in a open market global free trade system that might quickly transcend govornment interventions protecting favored local industries. Store parking lots replace airports f
The lightest weight access grid guideways would have a urban 100 MPH to 200 MPH speed limit with a maximum line capacity of about 200 to 300 vehicles per hour during loading. Group loading and unloading sequencing increases this by many times. The same lowest possible cost guideway vehicle capacity at about $200,000 a mile construction cost might be about 3,000 to 5,000 vehicles per line hour used as one or two separated or light weight vehicles per span per hour used as through no stopping on line guideways. By designing lighter weight spans you reduce the systems cost but have to restrict vehicle weight limits as well as provide for ice and snow load removal systems for rare overload events. Not having tried basalt trusses, it is uncertain what the harmonics might be that might limit speed due to induced vibrations from irregular spread out loads. This was all covered in the late 1970s in several studies of most of these PRT issues.
The through full span train load guideways would be at least ten times more expensive at about $2 million a line mile through rural areas than either rural or urban access grids. At 950 feet per second maximum allowed speed in warm weather this entrained line full load vehicle capacity is about 60 vehicles or sixty net tons of bulk or other heavy dense cargo per second. This is about two to four times the total line load potential where longer six mile acceleration deceleration ramps are provided. Power supply issues may further limit capacity where heavy origin and destination loads or passengers need to be brought either up or down to match speed with full speed trains. About 4,000 KW overcomes the 18 square foot frontal area at .01 coefficient of drag. This is lower than many sources give but is based on a finding for a F-105 non lift resistance. About 50 KW, guessed at, will be needed for viscus and cooling drag per each vehicle added to a train at 650 MPH.
It takes about - - - KWs of electricity local low resistance loss distribution capacity to regeneratively accelerate and decelerate each ton of vehicle and cargo. Occasional overload conductor loop main grid capacity is already designed into the system as well as more than adequate conductor convection cooling surface area to cross section.
The guideway moves all commerce faster than commercial jet aircraft but door to door no longer needing any kind of road access. The proposed guideway vehicle design is cheaper because it uses long wear life high speed minimum rolling resistance maximum energy efficiency wheel motors and self lowering access vehicles or station and platform free access, adjacent to or anywhere on urban and rural properties.
The vehicles are small enough to enter a building through a normal commercial sized walk door. The vehicles each must self lower from high overhead to floor or ground level for access and provide all user access tools and a onboard at every seat full service banking ATM, plus fully robotic roll on and off and internal to external single item manipulator and bulk commodities and water loading systems.
If you can build a road that carries trucks and ATVs to a village, then it should be cheaper to connect every block or house in that village with a global guideway access grid. The vehicles are designed to put on well over 10 to 20 times the operating miles each year as an over the road truck and operate non stop for any reason for decades. Each vehicles individual high speed and low energy use gives the potential for dozens of pick up and deliveries per operating hour.
Wear replacement parts are designed for quick pit stop change out. The electric power is direct from the guideway like nearly all electric rail systems. The vehicles need no central control system anywhere and operate as free self owned internet directed agents. Manufacturers make the vehicles and guideway components then set them to service controlled by the users in a public trust untill the cost is quickly paid paid back at about a 10% additional charge for getting to ride in a six month old or younger new vehicle.
All present forms of transportation are figuratively sociopathic decision maker self serving systems that create a political and economic benificery following. What provides useful services is assumed to be indispensable.
The global guideway should be sold to users based purely on user beneficial advantages not power networking of investor, political, industrial conglomerates.
The cost per seat and ton mile here are user averages based on humans all having first time daily global access at known operating costs. The guideway generated geothermal everywhere electricity and variable load direction magnetic bearings and tungsten micro tooth running gear reduces operating costs along with any need for land and building based access facilities.
Imagine a taxi cab that shows up, usually in a few seconds of when you call for it, beside your house or business everywhere in the world. It travels suspended from a monorail beam 18 feet to its under side off the ground on a suspended all grade crossing separated monorail, so the guideway has no safe operation speed limits, other than curve and elevation speeds mostly for passenger comfort. There would be needed about 300 million of these tiny vehicles by the fourth decade of service introduction. The all purpose passenger and freight and delivery vehicles might cost about $30,000 to $50,000 each to build in the smaller more Common five motor length versions. It costs about 1/20 th or less the cost of driving a personal automobile because they use less energy and maintainence cost than the smallest mopeds by creating their own new permanent global ultra deep geothermal electric supply. The cost of energy plummets every year till it is by today’s standards almost free of resource costs other than rebuilding generators every half million operating hours and drilling small 1.5 inch diameter holes a quarter mile from each main deep shaft for every several million KWHs of supply. Local electric supplies might last 10,000 years a million years or 500 years depending on local supply to consumption levels. Almost everywhere has a local geothermal supply at a reachable depth.
Every vehicle is as high in performance as a top jet fighter plane but has unlimited range and will travel over 200 million miles in it’s normal service life having been rebuilt about 50 times in certain running gear components. The vehicles are quieter than automobiles as they travel through your neighborhoods at 100 MPH to 200 MPH. The trains of such vehicles travel every where you see Main Street and highway traffic today in longer trains for heavier traffic at about 650 MPH, shorter trains to single vehicles at 400 MPH to 600 MPH. Longer trains are most efficient for the least user cost. Each vehicle has several moveable patrician compartments and shares privately accesses passengers and Goddard spaces to lower individual user costs. Whole vehicle commodities bags carry water and bulk shipments in every vehicles when they have idle time, mostly overnight world wide. The guideways replaces ships, railroads and truck freight only hundreds of times faster. Global deliveries and travel becomes like local deliveries.
The air resistance is tiny. The rolling resistance is minuscule. The electric energy cost per ton mile at jet speeds at sea level is a fraction the losses with all fuel burning vehicles. There are not offices or ticket machines. There are no administrators or investors to pay. The machines are designed to produce more ron miles at a lower cost and pay Off procurement debt in months, then took over earning to build the next million miles.
This might allow massive human industrial economies to survive in ecological neutrality for tens of thousads of years into our future.
This can only use the lowest frontal area vehicles. These have to form gap free, paralell sided trains, while each one has a lowest possible possible individual drag coefficient, streamlined by inflated nose and tail cones that nesting or rolling diaphra or telescope kcollapse flat for entrainment. A new form of magnetic coupling and PRT individual vehicle spring tensioned pre-arched running gear and attracting magnet self guided steering is proposed to use turn outs at the speed of sound, around 950 feet per second , at Hong G cornering during a over speed event.
Independently or together the drag of these vehicles and trains is much less than the air resistance of a single bicycle and rider.
Every single file recliner seating vehicle with usually two seats, can stablest self lower in common side winds for access anywhere under a above all ground level interferences and hazards. This has to be a suspended monorail.
The guideways and vehicles are primarily made of basalt composit fire proof cement. Windows are inside TV screens as this is more rugged and cheaper to maintain than glass windows. This also allows slow and stop motion viewing of passing scenes using a motion dampening vision like camera system. Riders can entertain themselves on trips recording passing views they liked to their cell phones or home computers. The bodies are mostly bullet and crash resistant because weight does not add significant energy use to these vehicles operation.
The longitudinal guideway structure becones a much more rugged, high voltage, lower loss, DC local geothermal generator sourced power supply grid than AC wire based systems. All electrical parts are surrounded by the best known fire proof basalt cement composite insulation structural material. The hollow guideway tubes become channels through which unlimited fiber optics communications lines are pulled. All communications switches and servers are located up on the guideways inside fire proof internally temperature controled insulated boxes and dirstributed out to be generally impervious to nuclear war and other harmful events.
The guideways automatically install ultra deep geothermal power supply shaft sinking systems that for the first time use a no wear tungsten tip high pressure flame hard rock cutting system that slots out and fracture separates and shaft geared climber hoist removes solid rock cores to the surface with minimum energy and materials wear per cubic yard of rock removed. The tens of millions of for Melinda geothermal steady state power plants provide local electricity to operate the guideway and provide energy for all other uses. At the hot rock level, about five to seven miles down drill pack core drills drill out thermal extraction holes for lower cost extraction than fracking with no disturbance of chemical or radioactive hazards that might contaminated wide ware and surface water supplies.
Every remote location on Earth becomes integrated into the global zero pollution guideway economy like living in the center of a major city. Every twenty miles or so seperate local geothermal nuclear hardened micro power plants provide local electricity as steady as the 4 billion year old hot core of the Earth. This changes people’s desires for urbanization as regular job, school and social destinations hundreds to thousands of miles away are effectively in your neighborhood by low income daily access cost. Every guideway trip is a single vehicle no transfer event whether a mile away or 12,000 miles taking about 20 hours away. Reducing and replacing most present costs for multimodal multi staged product deliveries and lowering delivered electricity frees up nescesary expenditures for discretionary spending. This boosts economic growth. The elimination of any future need for personal auto and truck ownership driving, at about 20 to 30 times the cost per mile of using global guideway, frees up about $4,000 per vehicle world wide.
In the now forty years of describing this to people, most, maybe 99% do not understand it, one in a thousand or so sees the idea light and says this would be great, maybe a percent or so says this would be horrible, it will never happen, they hope it fails, it should be outlawed. The oposers will fight against it, are vehement in their opposition, angry that I would even suggest it to them or tell anyone slaw about it. The supporters say good luck but count me out with help. The unimaginative majority might as well not be there at all.
We are born into life with out a sense of self. As we grow up our expieriences and associations become us and we become an internalized part of our surroundings. We become supporters of that which gives us familiar life and provides for our needs. We do not think about what is at risk and what is possible only what is known to work. Even the most progressive people are conservatives at heart. Progress happens at a slow pace because of fearfull conservative thinking, always promoted by charismatic leaders. Fear the unknown and pay me a good wage but follow the leaders.
In the last 170 years we are accelerating out in world population, fuel burning energy use and chemical pollution per person. Increasing amounts of methane and CO2 releases plus acids and phosphates in runoff water and heating the oceans, killing biological balancing systems and melting ice. Chemical pollution and consumption provision choices changes the bio balance systems atmospheric, soil and ocean based controls that in turn regulates temperature, weather and general habitability.
This global heating started about 22,000 years ago for a variety of natural causes. These were far more significant at that time than human activity today. The end of the last ice age raised ocean levels about 420 feet higher than today in mostly 9,000 years in two huge leaps. We still have another about 220 feet of ice melt ocean rise to go. This will probably happen over the next 500 to 1,000 years, no matter what we do. We can move the two billion people to floating ocean cities or new man created land during this period. The worst part is run off pollution of many kinds that will kill off many ocean and land ecologies during this period. New natural systems will quickly adapt or evolve to take their place. If this does not happen then we will have to reengineer our planet. This is for most planets untinkable. The global guideway is a human serving lower cost than present roadway system that moves mountains on demand with spot precision and variety every day. Occasional asteroid impacts and major crustal slippage events destryccivilizations as we leave I’ve o on a sporaticly unstable environmental system. Even space radiation levels change. We need housing, transportation, energy and food production systems that are major disaster proof.
The global guideway proposal is a new form of industrial economy logistics expediter. A robotic all purpose system designed to stop in a third of a century humans need for fuel and major materials consumption and replace polluting industries and governments with designed to be forever neutral economy systems. The guideways are quieter operating than air tired and aerodynamically propelled vehicles.
Proposed here is a design specific totally reusable product packaging and industrial handling system that replaces boxes and pallets and intermodal containers as we know them today. It is cheaper by far to ship most products unpackaged in guideway flexible sized compartments. A packaging industry is no longer nessasary as well as most wholesale retail market delivery systems. The cost of goods drops by about a third, mostly because of more efficient delivery from farms and manufacturers. World wide every small to largest producer can deliver directly single items globally same day, mostly same minute to hour with at home or work delivery of all forms of goods and services.
The average person in turn get to use from their home to any other place on Earth, a first time zero pollution jet speed self lowering anywhere personal travel access guideways. This uses a completely new type of transportation vehicle, the first ever designed to sustain exceeding the speed of the fastest after burning jet fighter aircraft at sea level but normally would travel between destinations over about 50 miles distance at about 950 feet per second in trains. This uses less energy than the typical road vehicle automobile or van traveling at 60 MPH.
This was possible to have been started around the 1850s. As soon as insulated wire was produced for telegraph systems and more accurate metal working lathes were developed for steam locomotive production, high speed wheel motors could have been built. Not one ideal motor prototype exists to this day. The Protean motors design is getting close. Definitely we could have built the first examples of this guideway system by the 1890s to 1920s using known fully automated technologies, including inductive line side communications using multipule carrier serial communications automated traffic control between vehicles with onboard not line side interlocking of vehicle merging decisions. Complicated as rocket science human controled steam locomotives were then in use. For a hundred years high speed looms and other production machinery was fully automated using mechanical systems. Cleverness seems to have evaporated when it comes today’s transportation because we lazily relied on the multipule first function of the human mind body to be our control systems. One 200 MPH capable inrunner style wheel motor vehicle design was tested at Laurel Maryland in 1889 using very heavy poorly designed motors. It was the first of several early design attempts at full vehicle automation in 1889 to 1913. Then there went up a mist untill the 1970s when we started a new to replace the unreliability and cost of the human at repetitive tasks. GM from the 1930s till today had this idea on the back burner but never lead in development, leaving the details to others. Presently the stupidity of fully automated road vehicle automated the hard way thinking the road access infrastructure cost is too big to replace. But we do replace and expand it’s entire cost about every thirty years at about $100 trillion or greater costthan building the global guideway that operates less expensively and faster.
It is exactly the oposite. The infrastructure is the cheap part. The operations costs the expensive part. The global guideway is a all new infrastructure designed to operate cheaply at the highest practical speed with zero human control of the simplest robotic systems kind.
This is a completely new form of transportation if viewed in all of it’s parts. This is PRT but is well beyond any PRT description to this date. I have been reluctant to say this in forty plus years of evolving designs because it felt more comfortable to be attached to something familiar to people.
A second parallel development is ET3. This is also cheap access or at your home PRT, but comprises a new form of transportation in all of it’s details. The evacuated tube maglev idea had it’s start in 1906 but not well defined untill about the year 2000 by Daryl Oster.
Elon’s Hyperloop and shuttel tunnel proposals fail in all ways to understand design optimization. Daryl’s proposals also show the wrong type of air lock, maglev and vacuum pump systems but show the correct scale which is always as small as possible.
This ET3 transportation might allow people to eventually travel from their homes to anywhere on the planet at speeds of around 6,000 feet per second using similarly less average energy than driving a personal road vehicle today. Both of these systems depend on low drag to no drag designs, in the case of ET3 and high return regenerative braking.
This is about a global but locally user controlled system that might take as little as about three decades to go from production start to global total replacement of fuel and materials consuming systems. This is about replacing compeditive unsastainable war like economies by a cooperative inducing globally integrated robotic, all individual user controlled, one design overhead monorail.
The guideway is a self installing robotic machine that can service the whole range of commercial systems, lowering transportation, energy, communication, data and financial management, advertising and logistics cost of common businesses to next to nothing. The guideways might replace any future need for govornments other than a minor police function. Even law courts and health care have mostly automated, user controlled, non profit systems design ideas incorporated into guideway mechanistic utilities.
The idea of a off the shelf adopts to all situations, no planner or engineer involved in any decision robotic global machine economy sees this coming on anyone’s radar screen. The guideway as a global industry starts with a new programming form tha self organizes property owners and users to design their own local to global systems by making all the important design choices baked into the formula and 10 billion user choices integration. We are not mentally ready to absorb this complexity yet but it is already here being used for profit taking.
The secret to all of this beyond structural and mechanistic details is lowering the installed access cost per mile by lowering the linear materials manufactured cost mass per mile installed, then directly allowing groups of users to design their own roboticly installed guideway access points. Unlike roadways, railways and airports, these can be moved at a rate of about two miles a day in urban areas a day pulled up by one robotic machine set and installed a little over or mikes away by another robotic set. This all leaving little sign of the former alignments after removal.
The guideways roboticly plant, water and prune their own property owner directed forest cover as they are installed to in ten to twenty years mostly hide the overhead structures. This involves new mechanistic systems designs that can also reshape the global ecology and farm vast areas of presently unused lands on hill sides without creating erosion or land subsidence problems. This reduces run off erosion and changes local climates over time in specific ways. The guideways also can be used to reintroduce small animal and plant Savory style rebuilding of habitats into mixed checkered animal meat, fruit and vegetable production systems that mimic natural savana systems but are all produce farms instead.
The main guideway advantage is making every passenger, general pick up and delivery and long distance freight hauling vehicle a spare time mover of usually about one to two tons of water a day. Each tiny guideway vehicle will travel about 10,000 to 25,000 miles every day replacing the work done by several semis or a hundred ton railway car. It is ton miles per KWHs not tons of vehicle capacity. Faster door to door service bypasses terminal transfers, warehousing, stores and many layers of handeling.
Ocean tubes for both the in air and evacuated tube guideways are about as expensive at this small scale as four lane grade separated expressways are to build across land. This is a twentieth the cross section of highway and railway tubes, a fraction the size of small regional jet frontal areas.
Ocean intercontinental tube grids use some unique deep ocean production engineering systems that took three decades to sort out from all the possibilities. The in-air guideway intercontinental tubes due to a need to reduce pressure or provide reverse circulation to eliminate choking interference drag are slightly more expensive than the evacuated tube systems. This is the inverse across land where the need for cheap airlock access still lead the tunneled ET3 verses above ground self lowering access guideways leaves ET3 about twice to three times as expensive as the slower 950 feet per second self lowering in air system.
Reducing user utility costs to nearly free can only happen if the guideway is from mine to materials processing to fabrication to installation with all engineering and business, customer relation decisions being fully automated. Proposals for simplifying human robot interaction are given with these ideas.
The monrails are small to reduce aerodynamic drag and the per mile cost of the guideway and decrease the regenerative losses from acceleraction and deceleration for single passengers and small deliveries from high speeds. A big problem is infinite motor coil tap use for voltage control and reduction of CEMF losses and poke gap active changes to make motors as efficient at partial throttle and loads as at full throttle. Each motor requires partial arc throttling or running zero coreless low hysteresis loss running of fewer coils when high thrust is not needed. The vehicles can move more ton miles per hour than any heavy freight railway, more passengers direct from separate origins to destination per hour than any subway line, all faster than any proposed airliner trip. On the suspended self lowering vehicle monorail are one all functions and services vehicle type.
The guideways come built in with a non profit open source, totally decentralized internet and communication global fiber optics system and a total geothermal electric supply for at least 10,000 to 50,000 years of most consumption. This all can happen at a lower infrastructure cost than spent presently for all construction and repair.
the guideway solves the recycling and local water scarcity problem, collects and distributes sewage and industrial wares to improved recycling and disposal without using water disposal of dissolved solids to ocean disposal. The guideway might be used to redirect nitrates to the Arctic Ocean where this is needed.
the proposed running gear and nose and tail cone designs are faster at sea level using less energy
per seat or ton mile than any possible high altitude aircraft. The same vehicles should be cheaper than container ships of the largest kind and railroads at a hundred times or more their producer to user delivery speed. Every transaction becomes a special delivery faster than present multimodal trip air freight.
Very small frontal area drag vehicles with large electric motors travel on light weight lower cost per mile than side streets are to build. No trip can be faster than using the global guideway designs never needing any other ground connection by using PRT. Every vehicle is capable of carrying two passengers or one to two tons of goods in trains of such vehicles at near the speed of sound at sea level. People get to work, school or shopping faster for less money every day and can buy fresh food and products from all over the world for less money than today’s discount retailers can match. The global to local economies operate more efficiently, consuming less that is not recycled. More money goes to producers less to middle men, none to governments for controlling and financing transportation. All is proportional to use fee based, subsidized increasingly over the decades by the robotic self owned guideway manufacturing and self repairing systems. Only the first few trillion dollars of research and development that has a human base over about thirty years on startup has a declining unsubsadized share. The geothermal energy share becomes itself a declining cost till it also might be a vertically integrated global self owned and user democracy controlled robotic industry. No humans in attendance with all open records.
This all monorail built and conducted DC electric system uses nearly unlimited steady state geothermal energy and basalt kaolin based materials economies. Adding evacuated launch for a live healthy deep space and garden Earth based industrial economies. Prosperity becomes universal.
Over the last two days a series of arguments with coworkers at a temporary production job and a monthly electronic systems Lincoln meeting produced some negative thought process ideas that seem to be popular misconceptions created by the rise of both capitalist fascist and technical comfort zone protecting thinking. These anti progress self labeled conservative ideas will need to be more carefully addressed or integrated into this presentation.
I tend to write from the context of my life long leading expieriences growing up in a religious conservative but highly creative engineering family background. There are mental blocks created in social idea sorting processes that make myself speak a literally unintelligible to average person launguage. The words are the same but the ideas are as forgine as if I arrived from a different world. People need to absorb ideas in familiar terms. This proposal uses a well described term PRT personal rapid transit. The global guideway is in Thousands of details well beyond all the collections of previous fully automated transportation. This keeps getting rewritten to try and bridge this communications gap. What is at risk is the mostly refinished limitations of classic present human survival choices and the inability of the whole of the Engineering communities to take a alternate path that is ecologically neutral by hundreds of times more cost to benefit ratio productive in providing organized but individually flexible happiness for all people. This is about a undisturbed happy natural planet co-inhabited by ten billion very technical human surface dewellers.
About 42 years ago my wife to be and I started an adventuresome small salvage resale and transportation business. Originally we had to move about 110 semi loads of old surplus civil defense supplies. We purchased these for a fraction of a cent on the dollar, and had to move them out of about 260 shelters in Lincoln and Dallas. A lot of trips a lot of urban and intercity miles and maunual carting manual loading and warehouse handling. City traffic slowed things down. We wound up learning about all forms and problems of conventional transportation.
Shipping to customers was often at a higher cost than the price our customers paid Us for the salvage merchandise. There were no low cost transportation services. We tried using high cube auto parts box cars at minimum rates but our truck operating costs were usually cheaper than rail. With out cheap transportation we were unable to sell the large quantities of items. In order to sell quantities we had to offer nearly free or the price of fuel and our operating cost in over the road trucking. The trucks were regularly breaking down requiring repairs. Oil changes, filters, air brake parts, diesel and tire wear became major expenses. This price of transportation and energy is added onto the cost of everything we buy. Many stages of mobility and storage between, often add up to half the cost of much of what we buy new.
It was 1980 that I realized through comparative calculation for smaller electric overhead monorail guideway vehicles could have been built less expencvly than streets and operating rubber tires vehicles over them. The first year designing cheap elevated prefabricated elevated neighborhood stations. This is the path that hu hundreds of the PRT developers had tried. I wanted to ship our goods unwrapped goods we were selling and a way for me crew and equipment a quick way to get where we needed to go.
The highests cost we had to pay in our business after warehouse rental was fuel for combustion engines, registration and the high risk liability and collision insurance. This caused me to try and invent lower cost faster forms of universal suspended monorail transportation. All the parts needed to do this already exist
The salvaged supplies were placed by the federal government in case of a nuclear war. The supplies were considered to no longer help any citizen in the US because America spent over twenty trillion dollars in war money on the potential total nuclear destruction of the then assumed Russian enemy. They Russians did a as credible job of arranging for our destruction, wasting there countries money as well. Both sides were amorally just defending leadership power. A few Scandinavian countries spent money on citizen shelter programs but Americans were denied such safety in a National Republican Party plan to finance favored offensive weapons contractors in theit wealth managment program. No concern was shown for populations impoverished bycwar spending..
I grew up fearing nuclear war and the wrath of the hateful unforgiving aparthide like god of the Lutheran church. This drove me to seek technological solutions to the chaotic mad world I lived in.
This threat of horrible war existed solely because there never existed any global govornment or commerce system a person to person and business direct unifying replacement for existing disorganized commerce. Peopleband commerce in layers are separatEd from each other. There has always been disorganized communications and transportation controled by gate keepers in major monopoly govornments and larger busineese that refuse to share their power over people. I started to dream about 41 years ago about power to the consummer people every where equally distributed to satisfy all individual needs and wants. By about 39 years ago I discovered PRT. Actually I was shown it years before in the form of the operation of the PATCO rapid transit line.
To bring people together and make economies prosper without consuming the planets resources required constant human negotiations and operational interchanges in the multi modal transportation systems that has slowly in a disorganized way evolved . Not one person ever designed transportation and communication. These basic bed rocks on which to build modern commerce were build on muddy slopes of limited land, fuel resources and the ability of the environment to endure punishment without collapsing. The existing systems, all of them, were never tested to personal rapid transit or PRT standards of operational economy, convienience, user utility and safety. But I was never able to learn about this because no known human or god, if gods exist, ever sat out in findable writing the criteria for a modern commerce and personal human interactive system. People wrote prolific lyrics about past and existing systems but never about the details of future systems that might not look anything like existing systems.
So my long suffering wife and I muddled through moving warehouses full of supplies with two trucks usually one hired helper, my own physical 365 days a year labor and thoughts as to how to sell this still useable junk we bought for about $4,000. Our main expense was the cost of transportation. Fuel prices were going during this trucking oriented period of our lives from about 45 cents a gallon to over $235 cents a gallon a couple of decades ago where we sold the last larger truck. We used my small car, a passenger van and trailers as well. We looked at commercial trucks of all kinds and they were wanting in load ability, volume hauled per unit of length, load flexibility, turning radius, fuel economy and always maintainence and administrative operating costs. We built a special truclose of one of a kind capabilities that could be assembled from used and new parts. It served fairly well carrying everything you might imagine but still had no auto loading and unloading features. This automatic self loading I had dreamed about for two decades previous to this but could not figure out.
These are what we were allowed to work with, the only allowed forms of mechanical transportation every where in the world. Not one road, rail system, aircraft, ship on the water has ever demonstred known PRT operating efficiencies, user convienience or reliability. Since the first high speed low airodynamic drag system was publicly described in America and England in 1889 not one capitalist ever stepped forward to finance a single prototype of a universal PRT operating system. This would have replaced all other forms of uncompetitive transportation in the mean time and made someone more money than it is possible to imagine. This could have created first world’s first multi trillion dollar a year company.
If a well designed PRT vehicle's parts of any kind fail in service of the designs proposed here can ever cause an accident because of new running gear forms that have not been allowed to be tested and compared in over fotry years of many proposed PRT components and all the existing systems.
we soon added other salvage items and a minor excavation dump truck and over sized load local hauling business.
I had spent my life growing up around all forms of transportation, becoming a rail fan, aircraft technology, engineering and histories fanatic, interested in the details of river barge movement, sail boats and ocean shipping. I loved road, off road and military vehicles. By age seven I was also a space rocket fan, saving to this day the Colliers Mars exploration articles.
It became apparent that all transportation is designed as ways to make money, not as ways to serve people’s needs best. We need purpose built fully automated, many times faster, either above all land uses or buried benieth them, much lower cost per mile systems. Quite soon or at any time over the last hundred years we could have had a global PRT single file global guideway system.
It is is a myth that people are happy owning a driving their own automobiles, vans and pickups. Not one in tens or hundreds of thousands of people have ever thought of a convenient transportation. This is where y
no one will ever again need a drivers , pilots, rail engineers or ship operators listens. Nobody will ever know again what collision accidents are. No poor person will ever again in ten minutes not be able to afford to go several hundred miles if needed in a few minutes to get cheaper groceries, a job, health care or or forever educations. The lower the frontal area, the more miles spent in trains of two vehicles to hundreds the lower the cost per mile at aircraft speed. 650 MPH at two cents a passenger mile or ton mile is a reachable average goal.
This is about the basic principles, equipment and structural design ideas that possibly from first in history prototypes, can demonstrate the economic advantage of a well designed single vehicle type, a universal user serving global commerce guideway.
The guideway system is a modern design lower cost many times higher speed replacement for all existing transportation and public roads, sewer and water and energy, market delivery, food production and the creation of multi century self supporting housing for everybody on the planet. These capacities and more are all designed into the system from the start, not needing basic confirmation changes with improvements over time
Designing from the start to reach faster than commercial jet physical speed and efficiency limits with more convenience and a fraction the cost of using autonomous self driving road vehicles requires a completely new modal form.
Faster vehicle trip speed, if minimal in average vehicle drag has never required huge energy levels. Faster for all trips and deliveries means more work and customer trips and miles are performed in a year meaning faster payback of vehicle investments when compared to larger scale mostly unstreamlined slow and limited use vehicles. Most vehicles remain parked 95% of their live span. The vehicles inversely are intended to provide multipule service forms 90% of their life spans for about 400 times the time utilization return on capital investment of current mixed mode transportation. Presently elelectric autonomus road vehicles are expected to get about 8 to 20 times the return compared to personal auto and truck use. Take this utilization time factor fine the average miles traveled per day and you have an additional about 15 time the miles traveled per day for each average vehicle. Because about a third of these vehicle hours will be in carrying comodities loads such as irrigation and domestic and industrial water and fertile soil for ground fertility improvement, there will be a additionally greater average vehicle tonage over aberage global vehicle tons per use miles.
Everything proposed here is lighter and higher in electric motor working gap velocities compared to bearing velocity. Larger railway traction motors have air gap velocities of about 20,000 FPM. These proposed motors have operational air gap velocities of around 55,000 FPM. Peak performance might be over 150,000 FPM.
Out runner motors allows the delicate windings, cooling and controls to remain stationary. Inside wheel hoop stress resisting rims, passive permant magnets drive mobility and regeneratively provide all friction wear free stopping at several Gs of force when needed.
Higher internal working DC voltage does not require step up and down transformers because basalt fiber composit guideway structures, motors, running gear frames, car bodies, piers and all span hangers and cross members are fully insulated. This means everything is multipulely layered electrically insulated. There is no metal frame to short across.most durable electrical components can be imbeded or fabricated or wound in as the vehicle is be built Up or made up in layers. High mortality parts can be plug in replaced.
This makes every vehicle virtually a giant multiple tasking integrated robotic circuit with formed in moving part. The totally hog enjoys structure is bullet proof for all but the Lear gets small arms armor piercing rounds. In a collision with a tree branch the vehicle has to come out the winner. In a conflict with a self destructive person or disabled vehicle the vehicle always yields or avoids. Inliss of a span section a train is able to often pass through the break withouty loss of much life or destroying more guideway y th. Ffuumbuiuik These are very difficult design tasksh but easier than autonomus road vehicle designs.1
All longitudinal structure components are metal seamless tubes of steel and aluminum. These carry mostly evenly divided power DC polarities. High frequency multi phase coils transfer to lower and higher voltages or combine with inverters where AC power would still be used.
by lowering the liniear weight of vehicles to the minimum required by the largest commonly delivered consumer items and people in single file separate compartments or directionally flipable seat automaticly rearranging to single compartment use for facing seat pairs and groups. Minimizing linear weight reduces the span and pier costs and eliminates for all the future a need for moving dirt and rock fill for mobility below the speed of sound. ET3 is a special case where tunnels are most likely preferred.
This all requires a new set is production machinery. Proposed is designing the produced items to fit new forms of compact production equipments that itself might often be made guideway portable so at any need whole factories could be moved at the design speed of about 950 feet per second to any new manufacturing loacation on the planet. This thought ET3 Startram systems seamlessly allows moving these same machines to orbit and other planets at about today’s intercontinetal air freight costs. Each separate system is outlined in here but more details are required to filling alternative designs.
As transportation this is tiny frontal area vehicles with highly tapered ends that in a tricky way accordion collapse to form smooth sided long trains . The dynamics of doing this a close to full operating speeds remains uncertain as nothing ever dobe before comes close to these problems accept hyper sonic nuclear weapons deployment systems for stratospheric air conditions. At sea level this requires many well functioning systems with high reliability.
The proposed motor chains in order to reduce air friction while allowing cooling and never slipping as traction loss is high wear as well as performance limiting requires the in line never slip hard gear wheels running on fine tooth rack gear rails as wide operating efficency range variable voltage coil tap throttled wheel motors. The micro cog gear, slip free variable point contact system should have a long wear life at difficult for you to imagine speeds. The vehicles with low frontal area can self lower for anywhere ground or floor level access and egress. A small bearing circumference to large Motor wheel diameter means very long wear life. This makes this system unique in history along with thousands of other first time ideas.
This is is a logistics transportation and energy durable goods efficency revolution that leaves behind any sales volume or profit margin value advantage in capitalist or socialist centric industrial revolutions. Everybody has inexpensive health care but doctors are periferal providers. Robots are the revolution that is expected. This guideway makes a safe world for robotic vehicles to operate in amongst mater and humans that are served.
Everything we do and consume today and in the planed future is connected to a long set of administrative, investor profit and financial management overhead, govornment cost in areas like defense with zero benefits, unessasary layers of supporting system input products that serve no benefactor but supply industries, excessive product base energy costs and duplicative mostly standing idle mobility distribution costs.
This proposes replacing all of these with user direct controlled automated self management. The guideway replaces at least two thirds of the support cost in everything. Productive and most desirable goods and services remain in familiar businesses as they always have existed. These will be modernizing but not as before in becoming consumption driving monopolies.
In exchange life becomes safer, more comfortable and easier for every body. A new set of liesuer time automated programmed learning experiences, technical challenges for those who might develope an interest, and constant global guideway tours of interesting places is constantly possible. Helping people create product improvements for each other might be a automated personal assistant function of encouraging people’s interests and presenting the processes for creativity. People can still scare rabbits driving noisy ATVs through the woods but it no longer matters much because the natural word is not just protected but constantly replaced and watered by the guideway vehicles. Every where the guideway builds itself to allow lower cost energy housing and product access comes with it a new greater capacity than 5G communications system with less electric energy and air wave saturation.
The reason not one known person beside myself has said this about a integrated design package that has long been possible, is maybe no one made a effort to design towards thsee goals. At the same time assembling the pieces I was with affection looking at all other possibilities with as much interest. Trying to put all electric or renewable fuel vehicles on the already built streets and highways solves no problems while creating many new ones. Thirty million miles of guideway built in mostly about twenty years will cost less than just replacing diesel and gas road vehicles with methane and electric vehicles. I was designing hydrogen vehicle systems in the late 1960s and learned the hard way they have less place than continuing the suicidal use of coal. There is no place for the lower carbon dioxide but higher methane bleed release that is a greater environmental warming from methane vehicles. There is no cheap way to generate and store hydrogen or electricity in batteries to supply all needs. Deep geothermal shafts using CO2 as a cuirculation medium last forvhundreds to tens of thousands of years bringing up heat that lasts longer to prime mover all directly used constant electric supply surface equipment that might operate for half a million hours using new tubor direct copuple high speed generator sets. Batteries wear out quickly, capacities not so fast but the cost and new form pollution streams are huge.
Air vehicles are the worst in energy efficency per ton mile and passenger mile. Even on hydrogen they place environmental changing water vapor at high altitudes and the guideways are faster requireing lower main route inter city and transoceanic tube cost than building and operating labor intensive airports.
Rail vehicles are twenty times as linearly heavy as the average span load for the proposed design guideways and are about two to four times less efficient in operation per ton mile not just lower energy efficency but additionally lower asset cost per ton mile per year. A $75,000 guideway vehicle can carry a million ton miles a year plus another half million passenger miles a year. Railroads can not be placed every where while the guideway can be placed where roads can not go at less cost per mile than most narrow alley ways and rural gravel roads are built.
Road vehicles are inherently inefficient by ancient designs carried over from a new version every few years to the present for centuries. No one ever mentions high frontal area no taper or all bluff body designs. No one mentions the lack of wrap around and highly elongated pointed front and rear air bumpers for road vehicles as the real safety and efficient improvement. If all funding for street and road mainatence the mono side moving track running gear and excursion vehicles can trave down deteriorated pot holes paved or mud surfaces comfortably as fast as we travel on smooth pavements powered by all solar as well.
The guideway is based on the observation that nearly all people given simple promps and the right economic tools can become collectively through direct full time democracy, totally self managing of global infra structure and industry.
Once realeased to service the guideway is a dozens of parallel element reliability vending machines. The users direct the placement by consensus and automated mediating democracy.
Armies of specialist experts are needed today because the human controlled road, air, water born commerce and rail vehicle machines and their interactions in nature and the market place are too complex an operating environment to fully automate. Automating the vehicles alone is not enough. The whole global economy is based on complex disposable product sales. The guideway makes everything permanent and easy for users to control without requiring profit taking companies and govornment management and regulation. Systems that are organized to have no conflicts or create any form . At the neighborhood level there will be disagreements about alignment but rarely a disagreement about allowing a guideway through because the debt retirement cost is fully fee based has no profit or interest underpinning based on new internal currency management the guideway has a fully automated conflict resolution system.
The global oil based plastics industry alone today in 2019 represents the pollution equivalent of just over 190 half gigawatt coal fired power plants. In another thirty years this is planed to expand to the atmospheric effect of about 500 half gigawat or common large coal fired power plants. This does not account for loss of animals and habitat to oil based agriculture and petro chemicals.
The guideway simplifies actions and reduces things that often go wrong. Basalt fiber cement composite for ruggedized long user life products reduces the waste. Reuseable stainless steel nestable multi use packaging eliminates most of this pollution stream. Guideway door to for single stage global marketing cuts to less than a third goods handeled that way and returns most product income to farmers and manufacturers directly instead of being dispersed across many layers of middle men, shippers, retailers, investors, financial managers, insurers, laywers and governments.
People have come to emotionaly depend on complex human controlled infrastructure for comfortable survival. Today’s machinery systems were originally designed the same way they are expected to work hundreds of years ago. They were designed to require human control to maintain a dependence on centralized management of large scale systems.
Global centerless industrial democracy requires a vending machine simple product delivery system that no longer needs complex logistics to connect individual large or tiny producers with their willing customers on the far sides of the planet.
The guideway as a new set of product and production machinery designs that can become, within a decade, a self advancing total replacement of all practical need for fuel burning and most needs for petro chemicals ever again. This does not preclude a continuation of the multi thousand year uses for all petroleum products. This is merely offering total, usually superior cost to benifit ratio replacements for them.
The guideway require what has never before existed, an advanced mass producer of production machinery designed to produce a robotic product that becomes a superior replacement for all present economic product and service delivery systems. This product set produces a global transportation, communications vending machine.
A few hundred people have had a brief look at these now approaching 500 pages. Not one person has Emailed or called saying I did not understand it, you are wrong about this data or that idea. This whole now about 13,000 pages of accumulated ideas was built to a large degree on creative inputs and criticism of my poor presentation and the bad ideas I had. Tens of thousand of changes have been made so far.
Tell me what you think. Tell me the worst you have, because I have probably heard it many times before. Tell me how you would solve the problems. Unique ideas I may never know about lay hidden from my expieriences so far. Read a little of these ideas first so you know what this is about. When you come across unintelligible sentences they usually were quickly written and not proof read yet. Often the spell check replaced misspelled words with irrational but similar looking words that have not been identified yet. If it makes no sense you are probably right, it doesn’t. Skip over what you do not understand. Additions are being made several times daily trying to make the subject clearer. Not having anyone yet tell me specifically they do not understand creates ignorance on how this is all best presented.
This is the only collection of similar ideas in known history. Even many of these subject areas are new to anybodies even industry expert knowledge.
This is all about using global fully automatic self installation to user requests, were allowed by governments, of a direct electric supply, miniature, self lowering for access, suspended monorail PRT guideway.
This guideway is very light weight but large in structural crossection. The monorail beams have a lower running path and a upper pair of service rails for equipment and materials to pass over the underside that carries 99.99 plus percent of all global transportation. The guideway vehicle underside is minimally close to present vehicle heights just above ground level. The suspended self lowering vehicles are secure or are locked in path aerial transportation that avoids all known natural and collision hazards. Even in a running gear failure the vehicles skid to a stop from just below the speed of sound. These vehicles in a train are designed to sustain higher speeds than SR-71, mig-25, F-104 and Tornado fighters can travel at sea level. Paint burns off fighter wing leading edges at these speeds but the guideway motors and cabins are designed to stay cool.
This global guideway grid should be powered by local ultra deep geothermal electricity for all energy needs at about a third the cost of the lowest cost general use fuel burning generation. The lowest price occurs as additional horizontal small hole costs and periodic rebuilding costs are added over several thousand years of a ultra deep geothermal shaft‘s useful life. This is after about two to seven years of debt retirement thruough user electric bills that are about half of most power companies operating costs.
Some of the charicteristics of this have been well described as personal rapid transit, PRT, systems over the last almost fifty years now. When you look up PRT in Wikipedia and the tens of thousands of other internet pages remember this is unlike anything previously presented. This is not only transportation but total integration of all functions in advancing human economies. This is a universal does everything asset base to build on. All other forms of transportation, communications and energy are just unsustainable partial solutions to satifying people’s needs. This systems design is a total managment and service needs robotic like problem solver. This system is a super low cost stand alone housing production machine and the world’s first known integrated natural habitat food production system. Farms and super markets will still survive at the edges but zero cost food will assure that nobody ever again goes hungry or eats a unhealthy diet. The guideway user contributors assuers this in a positive feed back loop way.
Only in the last about 29 years has this been described as a miniature very high speed passenger only system by Doug Malewiki. There are now about five image like copies of his Skytran system. This global guideway proposal emerged about 38 years ago as a fully integrated all purpose freight, passenger, sewer, water, electric distribution, goods delivery, all services system. This one person design project has thousands of emerging component design ideas to try and cover all possibilities.
About 30 years ago work started on farm field work, mine and mill or factory, isle or shaft or field or orchard row internal systems which can seamlessly be integrated into a world wide tool carrier rental system and loading facility free seamless global production and consumer delivery machine system.
We have become, fairly quickly in about two centuries of massive industrially maintained population growth to be running out of a self regenerating surface ecology. We have been adding harmful chemical ingredients into forest and farm soils without recycling biologically consumed materials that are either flushed down sewers or buried in land fills mixed indiscriminately. Combineing this with harmful industrial wastes and product chemicals and solids materials that’s are not good elements to return to food crop soils. The guideway recycling system at each home takes more efficiently than road based economy all waste as recycle items with minimum food clean up and toilet and bio materials industrial waste separation and compost mixes to collection PRT vehicles. Separated streams are ground and compacted on board with collected forest, yard waste and field refuse matter. This uses the global internal cost recovered guideway and tool carrier system to directly spread single trip in place composting on forests and fields. Everything gets reused. This is impossible to do with automated road and municipal and rural property sewer systems because they do not have a low enought vehicle operating cost per mile due to the higher cost of surface verses protected beam running gear.
The surface vehicles move slower because having 100 MPH vehicles going down city streets is a hazard but not a problem on the fully grade separated just over vehicle height elevated guideways.
Many new kinds of machines with more flexible delivery and storage systems needed total reuse product container systems. This is similar to glass pop bottles, that nobody liked, that are here replaced by light weight hard stainless steel cups, pans and lids that nest stack densely for return paths. Packaging uses of other fiber sources are not enough, even if we compost or are able to separate and reuse all of the fibers. A combination of energy cost and more stages of factory operation in the loop means reusable cleaned containers are better than reprocessed materials in remanufacturing.
The guideway proposal needed a reusable electronic standard remote all position reprogramable label system for all carried contents from people to letters to packages to package product IDs to whole body containers. At possibly a penny a responsive reusable lable this new labeling system needs to respond in a ideal field transponder range to a request for data within a confined area. What ever contents is carried near by and about to be loaded or delivered to a address the system has to be able to detect it without turning it over to find a bar code or cross referencing a person or item with a ticket or bill of lading. The collections of labels on board might become the bill of landing as each item shows reprogramable destination priority interactively so the vehicle might know from where it is presently coming and going, right down to the residential or commercial address. This is well beyond the scope of of any current system for product or shipping label systems but fully within present technologies.
About twenty five years ago ultra deep geothermal looked to be the lowest cost electricity. I wasted two decades even before paralell discovering with dozens of other independents for PRT. I looked at wind and solar multi thousand year local energy only dependent economies to power the three to four times increase in electric use that was required by a total global electric guideway replacement of unsatainable industrial and transportation fuel burning. For individuals and families, fuel use systems are the largest budget are driving other cost choices as well.
Only high rate mass production of welded layered shell thorium molten salt, self reprocessing small scale remote power plants that could be placed in wells with surface back pressure air condensers are as low in bus bar cost and sustainable as ultra deep ascender shaft sinking geothermal. After a few decades the thorium plants again lose ground in cost competitiveness because of reaching reprocessing limits requiring virtual rebuilds and a need for a large scale hazardous global nuclear reprocessing industry. After several thousand years we run out of thorium while making the planet radioactive. Additional holes drilled out from existing deep geothermal shafts with no known environmental problems and a lot of useable basalt ready to melt as muck recovered from non spall collapse deep shafts are cheaper to add capacity to.
After this period about 10 years ago, the ideas of global satellite free communications and data being handled less expensively using guideway fiber optics placement and property hook up full automation and above ground ruggedness above most flood and tidal wave levels started integrating into the span design ideas.
The guideways become a decentralized server system with more common data in local cashes. Advances in storage allowed unthinkable miniaturization and cost reduction of automation and data storage compared to present centralized large server farms. Only dictators and invading aliens might benifit from defendable central all inclusive geopolitical data collection. The marketing value is dubious as user information more cheaply connects new users to product sources than harassing mail, phone and Email marketing schemes that try and line up unwilling users with products they do not want or may be undesirable or duplicative for them to purchase.
Cell phone personal assistants were thought about but still little has been written in studies about inter active systems protocols. People need a friend to advise them and the friend needs good advice to give, not connected to selling products and services.
Guideway vehicle full service ATM banking, on board every vehicle for increased security and crime and disaster detection systems integrated into the vehicles to eliminate most needs for large police, fire departments and defuse motivations for both crime, war preparations as a form of criminal activity. Life lacking easy enough challenges and rewards to keep people peacefully productively forever sustainaby occupied needs new challenges to keep people active and interested in enjoying living.
Global democracy being automated predated even the guideway ideas. After it was rejected by many it was dropped untill more recently. Nessasary for massive scale to local block issue universal democracy required a leader unhackable system, no rigging possible.
The guideway is a facility structure for all forms of global economic environmentally neutral improvement to be made using the top of guideway span service rails as a means to construct and maintain complex systems over most of the land surface of the planet.
A US coast to coast truck might spend seveveral hours loading unloading and servicing. A coast to coast human operator trip might take five days. A electric or diesel autonomus truck trip might take two days. A guideway vehicle can load or unload in under a half a minute nest-able for empty return use containers. Container need to become standard reuseable packaging that is a full load by weight. It can travel diagonally across the US in under seven hours at a third or less the autonomus electric trained truck or railroad cost per ton mile. At the trip ends only a few hundred pounds to a couple of tons is a single trip bulk load allowing continuous or dispersed deliveries no longer requiring warehouse accumulation for larger vehicles at both ends of a multi stage delivery journey. A guideway vehicle can carry out door to door deliveries of consumer purchase units no longer needing a wholesale retail supply chain. The global guideway combined with global free trade means a huge jump in more efficient international product selection with intercontinental direct deliveries 6 hours to 12 hours in delivery time most placed from the end of production lines or from an order being placed on another continent. Local person prosperity or survival potential should be guraneteed not by wealth redistribution but by independent cost robotic systems.
The true fear is the guideway replaces the business investor profit systems in providing life giving staples to people. This is the intention. Where businesses can work with the guideway model they would continue to prosper.
Analytical data points only to what is described here. There is little to nothing known for possibly superior ET3 or inter dimensional decoupling and energy flow systems.
This guideway was mostly possible long ago, before WW1, before the model T, before aircraft. These designs were possible in cruder materials then as now. The guideways built by human controlled machines could have over a hundred years ago immediately, all electricly, replaced most needs for modern human fuel burning and most of our uses for less efficient roads, surface rail, ocean ships and concrete construction. The above senerios were voiced in an 1889 issue of Engineering Digest about the Weems Electro Automatic Railway proposal between Philadelphia and Chicago. The investors of that period passed up many such design based proposals and harmed human progress for over a century now.
By about the 1850s we could have built micro gear traction, in line guide wheel aligned, chained wheel motor, suspended monorail vehicles that would not be slowed by the deepest snows, river valley floods and animal impact risks. While lower expectations 170 years ago would have created self imposed design speed limits, larger wheeled versions could have regularly exceeded 150 to 200 MPH by the 1890s based on bearing RPM and light loading allowing small bearing or axle diameters. Rubberized steel cable straps could have even the provided the station free self loading system. There would have never been a commercial aviation industry if a miniature self lowering guideway was created, accept to reach remote locations.
Today the present design guideway vehicles with five to seven one meter in a row wheel motors in a under 1.5 square foot running gear frontal area can, when empty, out accelerate the fastest top rail dragster and out speed the fastest jet fighter aircraft at sea level in longer guideway trains. That top speed for a jet fighter at sea level is just under 900 MPH today. These vehicles would always be governed to not break the speed of sound at about 650 MPH and being smaller in frontal area than all aircraft would make less accumulated noise when passing at 650 MPH than a typical highway truck passing by. While speeds at this level create damage from bird impacts, wind blown sand erosion and thermal heating the inflated nose cones are designed to take control of these problems. The two inch thick SIPs evacuated shells allow operation at oven hot external skin temperatures in desert environments. Speed limitations do exist with altitude and temperature changes and with individual and group user choices to reduce costs per mile by slowing trains.
Thermal engine systems for all of their assumed power to weight ratios are less than a third to a sixth as energy to thrust efficient compared with the broad efficency map of the proposed multi tap variable air gap out runner motors.
Thermal engines are a waste of expensive coal and natural gas let alone more expensive petroleum fuel energy. The micro gear tooth traction system eliminates engagement movement suport and traction friction as we are use to understanding it. The wheel motors using package plant deep geothermal electricity are about four to nine times more efficient than diesel railways and about 100 to 200 times more energy cost efficient than highway trucks. This efficency advantage is converted to higher typical speed that better utilizes the investment in fewer vehicles and unloads the guideway length of traffic virtually eliminating any kind of knowable future traffic congestion. The guideway access grid disperses loadin and unloading activities to access doors no longer needing terminals of any kind. Activity centers like 100,000 seat stadiums can fill or empty completely in ten miners or so because the guideways can be hung inside the concourses and vehicles cooperating in group loading and unloading allow more people to get moving in less time than any possible subway arrangement. Single file guideway trains move more people per line hour than any heavy high speed rail line.
These systems can be made faster in longer trains at sea level than present commercial aircraft are at 50,000 feet while using less electric energy per seat mile than railroads running at a sixth the speed. Each vehicle running individually, mostly at between 400 mph using more energy or at 100 MPH getting the equivalent in energy ccost of a small engine auto at 20 MPH would be cheaper than streets, able to be routed directly to everybodies house on the planet. The guideway simply replace obsoleate street and rural road access use. Even fields and mines would have their own guideway access on pivots and gantries. Ware houses could run guideway vehicles down most rows of shelves for a globally integrated self elevating automated storage and retrieval system. Farm field work can be preformed by short term rented toll carriers, eliminating any future need to own special farm equipment that is instead rented from the guideway user controlled global nonprofit trust.
Generally if you can afford hourly road, sea or air transportation to any place you can build a PRT miniature lightly span loaded guideway there and operate vehicles door to door on a globally connected guideway access grid. Submerged ocean tubes are only slightly more expensive than highways across land are to build.
This is to physical mobility, what telephone systems that became cellphones and the internet, are to remote conversations and exchanges of information, but the guideways physically move people and goods instead of electricly encoded impuls data.
The guideway can introduce a new form of money or value exchange management that reduces economic financial management cost lowering by about 10% of the present global economic or financial institutional cost share of the human managed economy. The presence of guideway vehicles in everybodies daily lives would make them the ideal location for a global full service banking and investing one stop ATM financial and global monetary system. This could bypass the use of national currency money as we know of it today. Similar transaction systems terminals could be replace in every business card processing machines and be useable on most cell phones. This might create a global integrated centerless monetary system requiring no currency supply decisions as credit is created as a needed balance against long term abilities to pay off debt, no longer requiring interest or profits on loans and returns on the global systems investments.
Lowest cost to value searches made by anyone on the internet sets the limits of price increases and fixed values of property and more durable goods. Tracking prices becomes a way of regulating Currency in cuirculation and transaction anomalies. This requires all payments or transfers be recorded as they occur but tallied in bulk only unless needed for a dispute resolution. Today this appears to occur only occasionally. The big problem has always been being able to trust people’s judgements and honesty. Constant corruption scandles making the news probably doesn’t cover a fraction of a percent of real financial crime. Keeping people honest may require absolute IDs for every transaction and using AI to identify the difficult transaction problems and people who are making bad decisions. Everybody might be given many chances to try and get it right with personal assistant counseling after a problem. How to keep a smart but dishonest persons from fooling themselves and the automated council of machinery is uncertain as yet. Today fraud detection systems are far more likely to catch a honest person making a mistake than a clever thief.
Accept for excitement in an end of scarcity global economy there is no reason to commit crimes. In the end a more vibrantly efficient global guideway economy creates unimaginable wealth effects and opportunities by making products cheaper as delivered to people and providing low cost to eventually no cost mobility and energy.
Matching people up with available low cost housing and jobs world wide can be a part of the guideway automation. Eliminating human management and personal service costs overhead is require just as we did over the last century with repetitive operator and clerical tasks. A person could pack their personal possessions in a set of guideway ground self mobile rental containers, hop in another guideway vehicle and punch in a take me to the best opportunities based on profile data. Matching situations and people could be a universal mobility connected service.
Roads and streets of all kinds and the really ignorant designs for blunt front and rear end vehicles we use on riads are ten to over sixty times more expensive to operate per passenger and ton mile than the same tasks given to very fast guideway vehicles. Amazon or Walmart deliveries on road vehicles even the tiniest class 5 autonomus vehicles are several times more expensive than multi function multi task mass produced guideway vehicles. There are no similar mobility systems and practices ever before being tried. Customers can not push a shopping cart through a Sams Club for less overhead cost than global guideway deliveries of the typical selection of goods. Recreational shopping will continue for hands on choice decisions.
The miniature PRT guideway under surface tethered floating ocean tubes could have connected continents together across mid oceans like telegraph and voice cables for about the cost of two track overland railways. Remember ferro cement thin shell construction as strong as steel using basalt fibers could have been built 160 or more years ago. We did not do this because nobody thought to try out the details. This is rocket science complexity but back then even a 1850s railroad was rocket level sciences. People choose not to think at all about this a hundred or more years ago and not today when the guideways are easier than human replacing electronic sensor controlled auto and truck use on roads. Automated raids are the most difficult way to go about improvement only to save street front access replaced by land freeing overhead access.
This is about a universal utility form, of a single vehicle type electric transportation, that is designed to use low frontal area to power ratio, chained outrunner wheel motors to in longer trains to be a little faster than current commercial aircraft. This is the first modern era proposal for micro gear traction and support as an improvement over maglev below the speed of sound in the atmosphere.
In one evacuated tube form of the ET3 basic proposal as a maglev linear motor system these can be made to go faster than fuel burning rockets, in an elongated rod armature version. Both of these systems should be much cheaper per seat and ton mile than any other known combination of presently tried mobility.
This is intended to use a guideway automated machinery property owner directly controlled self installed guideway that as it manufactures grids perioticly sets production shaft sinking machines that unattended create a ultra deep any where geothermal electric energy supply.
The global guideway network grows at local property owner access requests to totally replace the slow and more expensive delivery of the multi tier shipping and marketing that is currently the whole of the global logistics economy and the reason for about two thirds or more of most people’s cost of living realative to their personal expenditure of time in earning an income.
The fully and more simply self managed than road vehicle automation is a fully automated global guideway grid. This can be a internally programmed self regulated to do no harm, user controlled, all purpose, lower competitive cost replacement for all obsolete human operator based transportation. The guideway itself quickly becomes the main user of energy while supply excess needs using the storm hardened span structural conductor to become our all electric cheaper than natural gas energy supply. The guideway can lower or eliminate any future need for govornment taxes and expenditures without becoming a govornment itself. The guideway can simplify institutional and industrial management, production and logistics decisions and systems costs.
A human management and operation controlling and decision making presence is needed when systems are poorly designed. Would you want millions of switch board operators to physically connect your cell phone calls? What a benifit to higher employment and jobs figures that would be. The same is true for today’s drivers, ship and aircraft pilots, their supervisors, dispatchers, clerks and most shop employees and package handelers and taking care of high maintainence fuel burning vehicles. You will lose jobs to inefficient road rail and aircraft automation or the jobs can go to product and service cost reduction guideway automation that is designed from the start not to profit investors and corporate owners but benifit user-controllers. Once built and running any one could take over the installation and operations design decisions. It might as well be the user benificeraries not political controllers or corporate criminal like managements.
Today’s transportation is similar to 1900s phone systems with operators controling routing before most exchanges had the fully automated step rotary relay automatic dialing switches compared to cell phone and internet high frequency automation. Amicro music box map navigation system could have routed PRT over a hundred years ago.
Proposed is simplifying all purpose personal rapid transit or PRT vehicle designs to become a single utility for all physical movements. The human cost factors that are most of the cost of living for pooer populations and only a small share of their employment are no longer needed at all if a single globally cross ocean connected guideway network is properly designed. Users passengers and shippers become the manager controllers. The vehicles become the collective managers no humans needed any where in any positions including money manager investor profiteers.
Innovative companies will replace obsoleate production companies that make the guideway mobile manufacturing machinery that in turn sets up to mostly locally fast debt retiring user owned or self intrust owned global all purpose utility guideway networks. Over a decade in any area the guideways reduce the cost of living and doing all other businesses, increasing the general disposable wealth. So long as this wealth is allowed to freely circulate as rapidly turned over or changing hands with a self regulating currency supply in non savings income there will be exponential economic growth. Money velocity improvement spent for sustainable low labor and investor cost durable products and low cost expieriences and services creates economic universally distributed end of scarcity sustainable prosperity. No crashes if speculative for profit instead of for consumption investments are disallowed. This requires a global automated mobility and geothermal electric energy base. Energy must become almost free realatively to costs today.
Required is that the production materials and effluent stream choices have to involve unlimited materials and environmental loss supply types realatively to the resulting benifits. proposed is a new industrial economy set of global standards that simply bypasses any need for current fuel, concrete, plastic, wood and steel based global economies. Tree and brush burning for clearing should be made criminal activities. Grind up the bulk of plant materials and respread them with live stock and human wastes tilled under.
More durable basalt fiber materials become the basis on which everything is built rubbers and plastics are no longer needed much in electric conductor systems. Aluminum becomes the main power conductor. Copper is used in the motor coils. Steel is mostly recycled into the guideway rails as all other structures can be more cheaply built using basalt fiber cement binder thin shell construction. Stainless steel becomes a new form of reusable return nested packaging eliminating single use packaging waste for most products. This can be the begaining of products shipped free of most or any packaging using new forms of internal guideway vehicle handeling systems.
One vehicle design does all of this and overnight delivers water, raw granular materials and food commodities. During the peak hours carries all people movement and in between moves goods deliveries and robotic tool carriers as a new all purpose land surface machine system.
The guideway is designed to be a fraction the cost of constructing urban side streets and ally ways. This is arrival at at every structure entry door accessing, miniature, just subsonic speed, in air, elevated monorail that is a self administering system.
The vehicles are single file semi reclined minimum frontal area seating standard cross section vehicles that have to be accessed through full length top hinged doors. There are no other paractical designs. The full side access comprises over a third of the body central structure and requires a full periferal structure stress integrating door latch system. This is the only way this can work out. The seats swing out and tilt up to allow easier passenger loading under the shelter of the over head side door.
On the wall opposite the door are two or three layered vacuum deflated bags that carry liquid and dry commodities and water based on sanitation grades and entry and exit external ports on one end. The guideway global fleet in about thirty years from the start could move a cubic mile of materials every day plus carry the whole of the world population and average of about 50,000 personal miles each year plus carry a decreasing amount of personally consumed goods per capita compared to today. Less waste, fewer cubic yards and tons of goods more benifit from those goods.
The smaller the frontal area the faster you can travel and ship at a lower cost. Only one as yet unnamed recent Chinese test system ever demonstrated even close to these principles and six other tear drop pod systems vaguely similar but recently back peddling on the details or reversing good ideas to seem more conventional. I saw one photo of this Chinese system in mass use in a entry or exit test in a Chinese technical publication. The presently deteriorating systems design ideas are Skytran, J Pods, Transit X, some Beamway or Flyway smaller vehicles, one USC student copycat project and a Yugoslavian project that It has been so long I can’t remember the name of it.
Three characteristics are required for total replacement of fuel burning. Every vehicle has to have passenger seats and carry nearly all kinds of cargo, mail and packages. Every vehicle has to be very fast requiring lower drag hulls with at least 3:1 to 3.5:1 tapered conical ends that collapse to flat ends for entrainment. Low aero drag flutter and cross wind stablelized longer trains that are smooth gap free tubukar sides are required. Trains need light tension magnetic and accurate vehicle possitioning coupling and slide past and nose and tail cone expansion and contraction diaphragm edge coupling and uncoupling. A right and left set of opposite polarity permantly magnetic rings form a flat end body motion dampening system between separate vehicles that are trained up. Uncoupling requires physically the vehicles pulling apart or a reverse polarity wire easing the ring flux paths. This would make sense to anybody with a animation but would seem like magic if observed by most engineers or laymen.
All vehicles need to be self lowering for anywhere in the wild or on built up property ground or floor level unprepared access and egress. Stations are stupid ideas created for trains as harbors were used for ship boarding as airports became for aircraft deficient access. Busses and street railways are rarely designed for platform only loading. They liad curb side or stop in the center of streets for a hundred plus years now. Why should a suspended monorail be so required unless defective thinking is involved. Only ten cross tape or strap cabled hoist lowering is practical but will seem awkward on first glance. How to do this well is like rocket science as everything else about the global guideway is. But all automobiles we use today are everyone as complicated as a rocket. We give this little thought because they work for us without our being required to be rocket launch crew smart.
The global guideway is simpliler to use than a cell phone. A child that can learn to get candy out of a vending machine could use the guideway to go anywhere on the planet with parental debit card restrictions on it’s own.
We should not have to be sorry we built the guideway a century from now even a thousand years from now.
Minimum 99.999% of all future human trips utility frontal area has to become a standard. Other than the first 1953 PRT proposal and the Skytran copycats there have never been vehicles this small before. The omnibus and railroad isle and remote door access seats and cargo floor copy cat vehicle systems like business and commercial jets are efficency design failures. Everything else designed by humans for mobility were dead on arrival ideas that are useless for a long environmentally compatable future
In a forever world there are possibly better future ideas involving possibilities I do not understand yet and may never be cheaply efficient for mass populations in large scale dense economies. I think about what can be known and demonstrated by maybe the 1830’s or 40’s. There were at least two demonstration electric guideway vehicles in the historical record in the US by this period. We were smart enough to have built this in crude form by that period. No body figured it out till the 1980s with Skytran.
This motorcycle frontal area highly tapered nose and tail cones, coupling stiffened unibody train guideway system, based on mostly known and well tested materials and mechanisms. This has never been presented out side of three personal websites and a few public displays in Lincoln Nebraska. This is an all electric system that can quickly be designed to create its own assets in support of all the personal goals. The guideway can free people up by reducing their money spent per mile for transportation and lowering the cost of direct global same minute to day delivery of all products. This should increase the value of products and services realatively to their cost in labor hour by reducing layers of overhead cost.
The guideway can provide new forms of fast build ultra low cost stand alone housing that requires no govornment infrastructure or regulation because it provides it’s own utilities, is safer to live in and lasts many life times.
The guideway can provide education without schools and a new form of medical care giving, eliminating much future need for most teachers, doctors, specialists and clinics and hospitals.